A conjugate-gradient based approach for approximate solutions of quadratic programs

This paper deals with numerical behaviour and convergence properties of a recently presented column generation approach for optimization of so called step-and-shoot radiotherapy treatment plans. The approach and variants of it have been reported to be efficient in practice, finding near-optimal solutions by generating only a low number of columns. The impact of different restrictions … Read more

Rigorous enclosures of ellipsoids and directed Cholesky factorizations

This paper discusses the rigorous enclosure of an ellipsoid by a rectangular box, its interval hull, providing a convenient preprocessing step for constrained optimization problems. A quadratic inequality constraint with a positive definite Hessian defines an ellipsoid. The Cholesky factorization can be used to transform a strictly convex quadratic constraint into a norm inequality, for … Read more

A scaling algorithm for polynomial constraint satisfaction problems

Good scaling is an essential requirement for the good behavior of many numerical algorithms. In particular, for problems involving multivariate polynomials, a change of scale in one or more variable may have drastic effects on the robustness of subsequent calculations. This paper surveys scaling algorithms for systems of polynomials from the literature, and discusses some … Read more

Clinic Scheduling Models with Overbooking for Patients with Heterogeneous No-show Probabilities

Clinical overbooking is intended to reduce the negative impact of patient no-shows on clinic operations and performance. In this paper, we study the clinical scheduling problem with overbooking for heterogeneous patients, i.e. patients who have different no-show probabilities. We consider the objective of maximizing expected profit, which includes revenue from patients and costs associated with … Read more

Disjunctive Decomposition for Two-Stage Stochastic Mixed-Binary Programs with Random Recourse

This paper introduces disjunctive decomposition for two-stage mixed 0-1 stochastic integer programs (SIPs) with random recourse. Disjunctive decomposition allows for cutting planes based on disjunctive programming to be generated for each scenario subproblem under a temporal decomposition setting of the SIP problem. A new class of valid inequalities for mixed 0-1 SIP with random recourse … Read more

Convergence Analysis of a Weighted Barrier Decomposition Algorithm for Two Stage Stochastic Programming

Mehrotra and Ozevin computationally found that a weighted primal barrier decomposition algorithm significantly outperforms the barrier decomposition proposed and analyzed in Zhao, and Mehrotra and Ozevin. This paper provides a theoretical foundation for the weighted barrier decomposition algorithm (WBDA). Although the worst case analysis of the WBDA achieves a first-stage iteration complexity bound that is … Read more

GRASP and path relinking for the max-min diversity problem

The Max-Min Diversity Problem (MMDP) consists in selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that the diversity among the selected elements is maximized. The problem is NP-hard and can be formulated as an integer linear program. Since the 1980s, several solution methods for this problem have been developed and … Read more

A p-Cone Sequential Relaxation Procedure for 0-1 Integer Programs

Given a 0-1 integer programming problem, several authors have introduced sequential relaxation techniques — based on linear and/or semidefinite programming — that generate the convex hull of integer points in at most $n$ steps. In this paper, we introduce a sequential relaxation technique, which is based on $p$-order cone programming ($1 \le p \le \infty$). … Read more