On the Complexity of Finding a Local Minimizer of a Quadratic Function over a Polytope

We show that unless P=NP, there cannot be a polynomial-time algorithm that finds a point within Euclidean distance $c^n$ (for any constant $c \ge 0$) of a local minimizer of an $n$-variate quadratic function over a polytope. This result (even with $c=0$) answers a question of Pardalos and Vavasis that appeared in 1992 on a … Read more

A Modified Proximal Symmetric ADMM for Multi-Block Separable Convex Optimization with Linear Constraints

We consider the linearly constrained separable convex optimization problem whose objective function is separable w.r.t. $m$ blocks of variables. A bunch of methods have been proposed and well studied. Specifically, a modified strictly contractive Peaceman-Rachford splitting method (SC-PRCM) has been well studied in the literature for the special case of $m=3$. Based on the modified … Read more

Optimization for Supervised Machine Learning: Randomized Algorithms for Data and Parameters

Many key problems in machine learning and data science are routinely modeled as optimization problems and solved via optimization algorithms. With the increase of the volume of data and the size and complexity of the statistical models used to formulate these often ill-conditioned optimization tasks, there is a need for new efficient algorithms able to … Read more

Affinely Adjustable Robust Linear Complementarity Problems

Linear complementarity problems are a powerful tool for modeling many practically relevant situations such as market equilibria. They also connect many sub-areas of mathematics like game theory, optimization, and matrix theory. Despite their close relation to optimization, the protection of LCPs against uncertainties – especially in the sense of robust optimization – is still in … Read more

A geodesic interior-point method for linear optimization over symmetric cones

We develop a new interior-point method (IPM) for symmetric-cone optimization, a common generalization of linear, second-order-cone, and semidefinite programming. In contrast to classical IPMs, we update iterates with a geodesic of the cone instead of the kernel of the linear constraints. This approach yields a primal-dual-symmetric, scale-invariant, and line-search-free algorithm that uses just half the … Read more

Approximate Submodularity and Its Implications in Discrete Optimization

Submodularity, a discrete analog of convexity, is a key property in discrete optimization that features in the construction of valid inequalities and analysis of the greedy algorithm. In this paper, we broaden the approximate submodularity literature, which so far has largely focused on variants of greedy algorithms and iterative approaches. We define metrics that quantify … Read more

A Shared Mobility Based Framework for Evacuation Planning and Operations under Forecast Uncertainty

To meet evacuation needs from carless populations who may require personalized assistance to evacuate safely, we propose a ridesharing-based evacuation program that recruits volunteer drivers before a disaster strikes, and then matches volunteers with evacuees who need assistance once demand is realized. We optimize resource planning and evacuation operations under uncertain spatiotemporal demand, and construct … Read more

A branch-and-price method for the vehicle allocation problem

The Vehicle Allocation Problem (VAP) consists of allocating a fleet of vehicles to attend to the expected demand for freight transportation between terminals along a finite multiperiod planning horizon. The objective is to maximize the profits generated for the completed services. The previous deterministic and stochastic approaches used heuristic procedures and approximations for solving large-scale … Read more

Optimal Connected Subgraphs: Formulations and Algorithms

Connectivity is a central concept in combinatorial optimization, graph theory, and operations research. In many applications, one is interested in finding an optimal subset of vertices with the essential requirement that the vertices are connected, but not how they are connected. I.e., it is not relevant, which edges are selected to obtain connectivity. Two natural … Read more

A FISTA-type first order algorithm on composite optimization problems that is adaptable to the convex situation

In this note, we propose a FISTA-type first order algorithm, VAR-FISTA, to solve a composite optimization problem. A distinctive feature of VAR-FISTA is its ability to exploit the convexity of the function in the problem, resulting in an improved iteration complexity when the function is convex compared to when it is nonconvex. The iteration complexity … Read more