Robust Unit Commitment with Dispatchable Wind: An LP Reformulation of the Second Stage

Abstract— The increasing penetration of uncertain generation such as wind and solar in power systems imposes new challenges to the Unit Commitment (UC) problem, one of the most critical tasks in power systems operations. The two most common approaches to address these challenges — stochastic and robust optimization — have drawbacks that prevent or restrict their … Read more

Semidefinite Optimization Approaches to Applications in Facility Layout and Logistics

The main contributions of this thesis are the comparison of existing and the design of new exact approaches based on linear, quadratic and semidefinite relaxations for row layout problems and several applications in logistic. In particular we demonstrate that our suggested semidefinite approach is the strongest exact method to date for most row layout problems. … Read more

A Semidefinite Optimization Approach to the Parallel Row Ordering Problem

The $k$-Parallel Row Ordering Problem (kPROP) is an extension of the Single-Row Facility Layout Problem (SRFLP) that considers arrangements of the departments along more than one row. We propose an exact algorithm for the kPROP that extends the semidefinite programming approach for the SRFLP by modelling inter-row distances as products of ordering variables. For k=2 … Read more

The Checkpoint Ordering Problem

We suggest a new variant of a row layout problem: Find an ordering of n departments with given lengths such that the total weighted sum of their distances to a given checkpoint is minimized. The Checkpoint Ordering Problem (COP) is both of theoretical and practical interest. It has several applications and is conceptually related to … Read more

Discretization vertex orders in distance geometry

When a weighted graph is an instance of the Distance Geometry Problem (DGP), certain types of vertex orders (called discretization orders) allow the use of a very efficient, precise and robust discrete search algorithm (called Branch-and-Prune). Accordingly, finding such orders is critically important in order to solve DGPs in practice. We discuss three types of … Read more

Quadratic regularization projected alternating Barzilai–Borwein method for constrained optimization

In this paper, based on the regularization techniques and projected gradient strategies, we present a quadratic regularization projected alternating Barzilai–Borwein (QRPABB) method for minimizing differentiable functions on closed convex sets. We show the convergence of the QRPABB method to a constrained stationary point for a nonmonotone line search. When the objective function is convex, we … Read more

Preconditioning of Active-Set Newton Methods for PDE-constrained Optimal Control Problems

We address the problem of preconditioning a sequence of saddle point linear systems arising in the solution of PDE-constrained optimal control problems via active-set Newton methods, with control and (regularized) state constraints. We present two new preconditioners based on a full block matrix factorization of the Schur complement of the Jacobian matrices, where the active-set … Read more

Fast Algorithms for the Minimum Volume Estimator

The MVE estimator is an important tool in robust regression and outlier detection in statistics. We develop fast and efficient algorithms for the MVE estimator problem and discuss how they can be implemented efficiently. The novelty of our approach stems from the recent developments in the first-order algorithms for solving the related Minimum Volume Enclosing … Read more

A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Instrumental Variable Quantile Regression

This paper studies a statistical problem called instrumental variable quantile regres- sion (IVQR). We model IVQR as a convex quadratic program with complementarity constraints and—although this type of program is generally NP-hard—we develop a branch-and-bound algorithm to solve it globally. We also derive bounds on key vari- ables in the problem, which are valid asymptotically … Read more