Composite Self-concordant Minimization

We propose a variable metric framework for minimizing the sum of a self-concordant function and a possibly non-smooth convex function endowed with a computable proximal operator. We theoretically establish the convergence of our framework without relying on the usual Lipschitz gradient assumption on the smooth part. An important highlight of our work is a new … Read more

Optimization of running strategies based on anaerobic energy and variations of velocity

We present new models, numerical simulations and rigorous analysis for the optimization of the velocity in a race. In a seminal paper, Keller (1973,1974) explained how a runner should determine his speed in order to run a given distance in the shortest time. We extend this analysis, based on the equation of motion and aerobic … Read more

Inverse Parametric Optimization with an Application to Hybrid System Control

We present a number of results on inverse parametric optimization and its application to hybrid system control. We show that any function that can be written as the difference of two convex functions can also be written as a linear mapping of the solution to a convex parametric optimization problem. We exploit these results in … Read more

A fix-and-relax heuristic for controlled tabular adjustment

Controlled tabular adjustment (CTA) is an emerging protection technique for tabular data protection. CTA formulates a mixed integer linear programming problem, which is tough for tables of moderate size. Finding a feasible initial solution may even be a challenging task for large instances. On the other hand, end users of tabular data protection techniques give … Read more

Temporal vs. Stochastic Granularity in Thermal Generation Capacity Planning with Wind Power

We propose a stochastic generation expansion model, where we represent the long-term uncertainty in the availability and variability in the weekly wind pattern with multiple scenarios. Scenario reduction is conducted to select a representative set of scenarios for the long-term wind power uncertainty. We assume that the short-term wind forecast error induces an additional amount … Read more

Fabrication-Adaptive Optimization, with an Application to Photonic Crystal Design

It is often the case that the computed optimal solution of an optimization problem cannot be implemented directly, irrespective of data accuracy, due to either (i) technological limitations (such as physical tolerances of machines or processes), (ii) the deliberate simplification of a model to keep it tractable (by ignoring certain types of constraints that pose … Read more

Exploiting total unimodularity for classes of random network problems

Network analysis is of great interest for the study of social, biological and technological networks, with applications, among others, in business, marketing, epidemiology and telecommunications. Researchers are often interested in assessing whether an observed feature in some particular network is expected to be found within families of networks under some hypothesis (named conditional random networks, … Read more

Convex relaxation for finding planted influential nodes in a social network

We consider the problem of maximizing influence in a social network. We focus on the case that the social network is a directed bipartite graph whose arcs join senders to receivers. We consider both the case of deterministic networks and probabilistic graphical models, that is, the so-called “cascade” model. The problem is to find the … Read more

A Unified View on Relaxations for a Nonlinear Network Flow Problem

We consider a nonlinear nonconvex network flow problem that arises, for example, in natural gas or water transmission networks. Given is such network with active and passive components, that is, valves, compressors, pressure regulators (active) and pipelines (passive), and a desired amount of flow at certain specified entry and exit nodes of the network. Besides … Read more

Sample Average Approximation Method for Compound Stochastic Optimization Problems

The paper studies stochastic optimization (programming) problems with compound functions containing expectations and extreme values of other random functions as arguments. Compound functions arise in various applications. A typical example is a variance function of nonlinear outcomes. Other examples include stochastic minimax problems, econometric models with latent variables, and multilevel and multicriteria stochastic optimization problems. … Read more