A characterization of the distance to infeasibility under block-structured perturbations

We discuss several generalizations of the classical Eckart and Young identity. We show that a natural extension of this identity holds for rectangular matrices defining conic systems of constraints, and for perturbations restricted to a particular block structure, such as those determined by a sparsity pattern. Our results extend and unify the classical Eckart and … Read more

The least-intensity feasible solution for aperture-based inverse planning in radiation therapy.

Aperture-based inverse planning (ABIP) for intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) treatment planning starts with external radiation fields (beams) that fully conform to the target(s) and then superimposes sub-fields called segments to achieve complex shaping of 3D dose distributions. The segments’ intensities are determined by solving a feasibility problem. The least-intensity feasible (LIF) solution, proposed and … Read more

Block-Iterative Algorithms with Underrelaxed Bregman Projections

The notion of relaxation is well understood for orthogonal projections onto convex sets. For general Bregman projections it was considered only for hyperplanes and the question of how to relax Bregman projections onto convex sets that are not linear (i.e., not hyperplanes or half-spaces) has remained open. A definition of underrelaxation of Bregman projections onto … Read more

Optimality Conditions for Vector Optimization with Set-Valued Maps

Based on near convexity, we introduce the concepts of nearly convexlike set-valued maps and nearly semiconvexlike set-valued maps, give some charaterizations of them, and investigate the relationships between them. Then a Farkas-Minkowski type alternative theorem is shown under the assumption of near semiconvexlikeness. By using the alternative theorem and some other lemmas, we establish necessary … Read more

The method of reflection-projection for convex feasibility problems with an obtuse cone

The convex feasibility problem asks to find a point in the intersection of finitely many closed convex sets in Euclidean space. This problem is of fundamental importance in mathematics and physical sciences, and it can be solved algorithmically by the classical method of cyclic projections. In this paper, the case where one of the constraints … Read more

A New Self-Dual Embedding Method for Convex Programming

In this paper we introduce a conic optimization formulation for inequality-constrained convex programming, and propose a self-dual embedding model for solving the resulting conic optimization problem. The primal and dual cones in this formulation are characterized by the original constraint functions and their corresponding conjugate functions respectively. Hence they are completely symmetric. This allows for … Read more

Block-iterative algorithms with diagonally scaled oblique projections for the linear feasibility problem

We formulate a block-iterative algorithmic scheme for the solution of systems of linear inequalities and/or equations and analyze its convergence. This study provides as special cases proofs of convergence of (i) the recently proposed Component Averaging (CAV) method of Censor, Gordon and Gordon ({\it Parallel Computing}, 27:777–808, 2001), (ii) the recently proposed Block-Iterative CAV (BICAV) … Read more

Smoothing Method of Multipliers for Sum-Max Problems

We study nonsmooth unconstrained optimization problem, which includes sum of pairwise maxima of smooth functions. Minimum $l_1$-norm approximation is a particular case of this problem. Combining ideas Lagrange multipliers with smooth approximation of max-type function, we obtain a new kind of nonquadratic augmented Lagrangian. Our approach does not require artificial variables, and preserves sparse structure … Read more

Lagrangean Duality Applied on Vehicle Routing with Time Windows

This paper presents the results of the application of a non-differentiable optimization method in connection with the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW). The VRPTW is an extension of the Vehicle Routing Problem. In the VRPTW the service at each customer must start within an associated time window. The Shortest Path decomposition of the … Read more

The Volume Algorithm revisited: relation with bundle methods

We revise the Volume Algorithm (VA) for linear programming and relate it to bundle methods. When first introduced, VA was presented as a subgradient-like method for solving the original problem in its dual form. In a way similar to the serious/null steps philosophy of bundle methods, VA produces green, yellow or red steps. In order … Read more