A Computational Study of Perspective Cuts

The benefits of cutting planes based on the perspective function are well known for many specific classes of mixed-integer nonlinear programs with on/off structures. However, we are not aware of any empirical studies that evaluate their applicability and computational impact over large, heterogeneous test sets in general-purpose solvers. This paper provides a detailed computational study … Read more

Cutting Plane Generation Through Sparse Principal Component Analysis

Quadratically-constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs) are optimization models whose remarkable expressiveness has made them a cornerstone of methodological research for nonconvex optimization problems. However, modern methods to solve a general QCQP fail to scale, encountering computational challenges even with just a few hundred variables. Specifically, a semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation is typically employed, which provides strong … Read more

Multi-market Portfolio Optimization with Conditional Value at Risk

In this paper we propose an optimization framework for multi-markets portfolio management, where a central headquarter relies upon local affiliates for the market-wise selection of investment options. Being averse to risk, the headquarter endogenously selects the maximum expected loss (conditional value at risk) for the affiliates, who respond designing portfolios and selecting management fees. In … Read more

Face Dimensions of General-Purpose Cutting Planes for Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

Cutting planes are a key ingredient to successfully solve mixed-integer linear programs. For specific problems, their strength is often theoretically assessed by showing that they are facet-defining for the corresponding mixed-integer hull. In this paper we experimentally investigate the dimensions of faces induced by general-purpose cutting planes generated by a state-of-the-art solver. Therefore, we relate … Read more

On the Complexity of Inverse Mixed Integer Linear Optimization

Inverse optimization is the problem of determining the values of missing input parameters that are closest to given estimates and that will make a given solution optimal. This study is concerned with the relationship of a particular inverse mixed integer linear optimization problem (MILPs) to both the original problem and the separation problem associated with … Read more

Valid Inequalities for Mixed Integer Bilevel Linear Optimization Problems

Despite the success of branch-and-cut methods for solving mixed integer bilevel linear optimization problems (MIBLPs) in practice, there have remained some gaps in the theory surrounding these methods. In this paper, we take a first step towards laying out a theory of valid inequalities and cutting-plane methods for MIBLPs that parallels the existing theory for … Read more

Why there is no need to use a big-M in linear bilevel optimization: A computational study of two ready-to-use approaches

Linear bilevel optimization problems have gained increasing attention both in theory as well as in practical applications of Operations Research (OR) during the last years and decades. The latter is mainly due to the ability of this class of problems to model hierarchical decision processes. However, this ability makes bilevel problems also very hard to … Read more

Mixed-Projection Conic Optimization: A New Paradigm for Modeling Rank Constraints

We propose a framework for modeling and solving low-rank optimization problems to certifiable optimality. We introduce symmetric projection matrices that satisfy $Y^2 = Y$, the matrix analog of binary variables that satisfy $z^2 = z$, to model rank constraints. By leveraging regularization and strong duality, we prove that this modeling paradigm yields tractable convex optimization … Read more

Efficient Formulations and Decomposition Approaches for Power Peak Reduction in Railway Traffic via Timetabling

Over the last few years, optimization models for the energy-efficient operation of railway traffic have received more and more attention, particularly in connection with timetable design. In this work, we study the effect of load management via timetabling. The idea is to consider trains as time-flexible consumers in the railway power supply network and to … Read more

A branch-and-cut algorithm for the Edge Interdiction Clique Problem

Given a graph G and an interdiction budget k, the Edge Interdiction Clique Problem (EICP) asks to find a subset of at most k edges to remove from G so that the size of the maximum clique, in the interdicted graph, is minimized. The EICP belongs to the family of interdiction problems with the aim … Read more