On Polyhedral and Second-Order-Cone Decompositions of Semidefinite Optimization Problems

We study a cutting-plane method for semidefinite optimization problems (SDOs), and supply a proof of the method’s convergence, under a boundedness assumption. By relating the method’s rate of convergence to an initial outer approximation’s diameter, we argue that the method performs well when initialized with a second-order-cone approximation, instead of a linear approximation. We invoke … Read more

On Sum of Squares Representation of Convex Forms and Generalized Cauchy-Schwarz Inequalities

A convex form of degree larger than one is always nonnegative since it vanishes together with its gradient at the origin. In 2007, Parrilo asked if convex forms are always sums of squares. A few years later, Blekherman answered the question in the negative by showing through volume arguments that for high enough number of … Read more

A relaxed interior point method for low-rank semidefinite programming problems with applications to matrix completion

A new relaxed variant of interior point method for low-rank semidefinite programming problems is proposed in this paper. The method is a step outside of the usual interior point framework. In anticipation to converging to a low-rank primal solution, a special nearly low-rank form of all primal iterates is imposed. To accommodate such a (restrictive) … Read more

On the existence of a short pivoting sequence for a linear program

Pivoting methods are of vital importance for linear programming, the simplex method being the by far most well-known. In this paper, a primal-dual pair of linear programs in canonical form is considered. We show that there exists a sequence of pivots, whose length is bounded by the minimum dimension of the constraint matrix, such that … Read more

Computing Estimators of Dantzig Selector type via Column and Constraint Generation

We consider a class of linear-programming based estimators in reconstructing a sparse signal from linear measurements. Specific formulations of the reconstruction problem considered here include Dantzig selector, basis pursuit (for the case in which the measurements contain no errors), and the fused Dantzig selector (for the case in which the underlying signal is piecewise constant). … Read more

A Survey of Recent Scalability Improvements for Semidefinite Programming with Applications in Machine Learning, Control, and Robotics

Historically, scalability has been a major challenge to the successful application of semidefinite programming in fields such as machine learning, control, and robotics. In this paper, we survey recent approaches for addressing this challenge including (i) approaches for exploiting structure (e.g., sparsity and symmetry) in a problem, (ii) approaches that produce low-rank approximate solutions to … Read more

Error Bounds and Singularity Degree in Semidefinite Programming

In semidefinite programming a proposed optimal solution may be quite poor in spite of having sufficiently small residual in the optimality conditions. This issue may be framed in terms of the discrepancy between forward error (the unmeasurable `true error’) and backward error (the measurable violation of optimality conditions). In his seminal work, Sturm provided an … Read more

A massively parallel interior-point solver for linear energy system models with block structure

Linear energy system models are often a crucial component of system design and operations, as well as energy policy consulting. Such models can lead to large-scale linear programs, which can be intractable even for state-of-the-art commercial solvers—already the available memory on a desktop machine might not be sufficient. Against this backdrop, this article introduces an … Read more

First Experiments with Structure-Aware Presolving for a Parallel Interior-Point Method

In linear optimization, matrix structure can often be exploited algorithmically. However, beneficial presolving reductions sometimes destroy the special structure of a given problem. In this article, we discuss structure-aware implementations of presolving as part of a parallel interior-point method to solve linear programs with block-diagonal structure, including both linking variables and linking constraints. While presolving … Read more

Adjustable Robust Optimization Reformulations of Two-Stage Worst-case Regret Minimization Problems

This paper explores the idea that two-stage worst-case regret minimization problems with either objective or right-hand side uncertainty can be reformulated as two-stage robust optimization problems and can therefore benefit from the solution schemes and theoretical knowledge that have been developed in the last decade for this class of problems. In particular, we identify conditions … Read more