A Universally Optimal Primal-Dual Method for Minimizing Heterogeneous Compositions

This paper proposes a universal, optimal algorithm for convex minimization problems of the composite form $g_0(x)+h(g_1(x),\dots, g_m(x)) + u(x)$. We allow each $g_j$ to independently range from being nonsmooth Lipschitz to smooth, from convex to strongly convex, described by notions of H\”older continuous gradients and uniform convexity. Note that, although the objective is built from … Read more

On Sum-Rules for Second-Order Contingent Derivatives

We are concerned with contingent derivatives and their second-order counterparts (introduced by Ngai et al.) of set-valued mappings. Special attention is given to the development of new sum-rules for second-order contingent derivatives. To be precise, we want to find conditions under which the second-order contingent derivative of the sum of a smooth and a set-valued … Read more

A Study of First-Order Methods with a Probabilistic Relative-Error Gradient Oracle

This paper investigates the problem of minimizing a smooth function over a compact set with a probabilistic relative-error gradient oracle. The oracle succeeds with some probability, in which case it provides a relative-error approximation of the true gradient, or fails and returns an arbitrary vector, while the optimizer cannot distinguish between successful and failed queries … Read more

A Sound Local Regret Methodology for Online Nonconvex Composite Optimization

Online nonconvex optimization addresses dynamic and complex decision-making problems arising in real-world decision-making tasks where the optimizer’s objective evolves with the intricate and changing nature of the underlying system. This paper studies an online nonconvex composite optimization model with limited first-order access, encompassing a wide range of practical scenarios. We define local regret using a … Read more

An Interior-Point Algorithm for Continuous Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization with Noisy Function and Derivative Evaluations

An algorithm based on the interior-point methodology for solving continuous nonlinearly constrained optimization problems is proposed, analyzed, and tested. The distinguishing feature of the algorithm is that it presumes that only noisy values of the objective and constraint functions and their first-order derivatives are available. The algorithm is based on a combination of a previously … Read more

An Augmented Lagrangian Approach to Bi-Level Optimization via an Equilibrium Constrained Problem

Optimization problems involving equilibrium constraints capture diverse optimization settings such as bi-level optimization, min-max problems and games, and the minimization over non-linear constraints. This paper introduces an Augmented Lagrangian approach with Hessian-vector product approximation to address an equilibrium constrained nonconvex nonsmooth optimization problem. The underlying model in particular captures various settings of bi-level optimization problems, … Read more

A necessary condition for the guarantee of the superiorization method

We study a method that involves principally convex feasibility-seeking and makes secondary efforts of objective function value reduction. This is the well-known superiorization method (SM), where the iterates of an asymptotically convergent iterative feasibility-seeking algorithm are perturbed by objective function nonascent steps. We investigate the question under what conditions a sequence generated by an SM … Read more

A stochastic Lagrangian-based method for nonconvex optimization with nonlinear constraints

The Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM) is one of the most common approaches for solving linear and nonlinear constrained problems. However, for non-convex objectives, handling non-linear inequality constraints remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a stochastic ALM with Backtracking Line Search that performs on a subset (mini-batch) of randomly selected points for the solving of … Read more

A class of diagonal quasi-Newton penalty decomposition algorithms for sparse bound-constrained nonconvex optimization

This paper discusses an improved quasi-Newton penalty decomposition algorithm for the cardinality bound-constrained optimization problems whose simple bounds on the variables are assumed to be finite. Until an approximate stationary point is found, this algorithm approximates the solutions of a sequence of penalty subproblems by a two-block decomposition scheme. This scheme finds an approximate solution … Read more

Smoothing l1-exact penalty method for intrinsically constrained Riemannian optimization problems

This paper deals with the Constrained Riemannian Optimization (CRO) problem, which involves minimizing a function subject to equality and inequality constraints on Riemannian manifolds. The study aims to advance optimization theory in the Riemannian setting by presenting and analyzing a penalty-type method for solving CRO problems. The proposed approach is based on techniques that involve … Read more