Stochastic Lipschitz Dynamic Programming

We propose a new algorithm for solving multistage stochastic mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problems with complete continuous recourse. In a similar way to cutting plane methods, we construct nonlinear Lipschitz cuts to build lower approximations for the non-convex cost to go functions. An example of such a class of cuts are those derived using … Read more

Distributionally robust optimization with multiple time scales: valuation of a thermal power plant

The valuation of a real option is preferably done with the inclusion of uncertainties in the model, since the value depends on future costs and revenues, which are not perfectly known today. The usual value of the option is defined as the maximal expected (discounted) profit one may achieve under optimal management of the operation. … Read more

Exact Multiple Sequence Alignment by Synchronized Decision Diagrams

This paper develops an exact solution algorithm for the Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) problem. In the first step, we design a dynamic programming model and use it to construct a novel Multi-valued Decision Diagrams (MDD) representation of all pairwise sequence alignments (PSA). PSA MDDs are then synchronized using side constraints to model the MSA problem … Read more

Planning for Dynamics under Uncertainty

Planning under uncertainty is a frequently encountered problem. Noisy observation is a typical situation that introduces uncertainty. Such a problem can be formulated as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). However, solving a POMDP is nontrivial and can be computationally expensive in continuous state, action, observation and latent state space. Through this work, we … Read more

Multi-Objective Optimization for Politically Fair Districting: A Scalable Multilevel Approach

Political districting in the United States is a decennial process of redrawing the boundaries of congressional and state legislative districts. The notion of fairness in political districting has been an important topic of subjective debate, with district maps having consequences to multiple stakeholders. Even though districting as an optimization problem has been well-studied, existing models … Read more

Γ-Robust Linear Complementarity Problems

Complementarity problems are often used to compute equilibria made up of specifically coordinated solutions of different optimization problems. Specific examples are game-theoretic settings like the bimatrix game or energy market models like for electricity or natural gas. While optimization under uncertainties is rather well-developed, the field of equilibrium models represented by complementarity problems under uncertainty … Read more

Identifying the Optimal Value Function of a Negative Markov Decision Process: An Integer Programming Approach

Mathematical programming formulation to identify the optimal value function of a negative Markov decision process (MDP) is non-convex, non-smooth, and computationally intractable. Also note that other well-known solution methods of MDP do not work properly for a negative MDP. More specifically, the policy iteration diverges, and the value iteration converges but does not provide an … Read more

Minimum Color-Degree Perfect b -Matchings

The minimum color-degree perfect b-matching roblem (Col-BM) is a new extension of the perfect b-matching problem to edge-colored graphs. The objective of Col-BM is to minimize the maximum number of differently colored edges in a perfect b-matching that are incident to the same node. We show that Col-BM is NP-hard on bipartite graphs by a … Read more

Subdifferentials and SNC property of scalarization functionals with uniform level sets and applications

This paper deals with necessary conditions for minimal solutions of constrained and unconstrained optimization problems with respect to general domination sets by using a well-known nonlinear scalarization functional with uniform level sets (called Gerstewitz’ functional in the literature). The primary objective of this work is to establish revised formulas for basic and singular subdifferentials of … Read more

Learning to Project in Multi-Objective Binary Linear Programming

In this paper, we investigate the possibility of improving the performance of multi-objective optimization solution approaches using machine learning techniques. Specifically, we focus on multi-objective binary linear programs and employ one of the most effective and recently developed criterion space search algorithms, the so-called KSA, during our study. This algorithm computes all nondominated points of … Read more