Asymmetry and Ambiguity in Newsvendor Models

The traditional decision-making framework for newsvendor models is to assume a distribution of the underlying demand. However, the resulting optimal policy is typically sensitive to the choice of the distribution. A more conservative approach is to assume that the distribution belongs to a set parameterized by a few known moments. An ambiguity-averse newsvendor would choose … Read more

Large Deviations of Vector-valued Martingales in 2-Smooth Normed Spaces

In this paper, we derive exponential bounds on probabilities of large deviations for “light tail” martingales taking values in finite-dimensional normed spaces. Our primary emphasis is on the case where the bounds are dimension-independent or nearly so. We demonstrate that this is the case when the norm on the space can be approximated, within an … Read more

Cutting-Set Methods for Robust Convex Optimization with Pessimizing Oracles

We consider a general worst-case robust convex optimization problem, with arbitrary dependence on the uncertain parameters, which are assumed to lie in some given set of possible values. We describe a general method for solving such a problem, which alternates between optimization and worst-case analysis. With exact worst-case analysis, the method is shown to converge … Read more

An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Robust Minimum Capacity s-t Cuts

The Minimum Capacity s-t Cut Problem (Min Cut) is an intensively studied problem in combinatorial optimization. In this paper, we study Min Cut when arc capacities are uncertain but known to exist in pre-specified intervals. This framework can be used to model many real-world applications of Min Cut under data uncertainty such as in open-pit … Read more

Tractable Robust Expected Utility and Risk Models for Portfolio Optimization

Expected utility models in portfolio optimization is based on the assumption of complete knowledge of the distribution of random returns. In this paper, we relax this assumption to the knowledge of only the mean, covariance and support information. No additional assumption on the type of distribution such as normality is made. The investor’s utility is … Read more

Pricing with uncertain customer valuations

Uncertain demand in pricing problems is often modeled using the sum of a linear price-response function and a zero-mean random variable. In this paper, we argue that the presence of uncertainty motivates the introduction of nonlinearities in the demand as a function of price, both in the risk-neutral and risk-sensitive models. We motivate our analysis … Read more

A Log-Robust Optimization Approach to Portfolio Management

In this paper we present a robust optimization approach to portfolio management under uncertainty that (i) builds upon the well-established Lognormal model for stock prices while addressing its limitations, and (ii) incorporates the imperfect knowledge on the true distribution of the continuously compounded rates of return, i.e., the increments of the logarithm of the stock … Read more

Robust Efficient Frontier Analysis with a Separable Uncertainty Model

Mean-variance (MV) analysis is often sensitive to model mis-specification or uncertainty, meaning that the MV efficient portfolios constructed with an estimate of the model parameters (i.e., the expected return vector and covariance of asset returns) can give very poor performance for another set of parameters that is similar and statistically hard to distinguish from the … Read more

A Minimax Theorem with Applications to Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and Finance

This paper concerns a fractional function of the form $x^Ta/\sqrt{x^TBx}$, where $B$ is positive definite. We consider the game of choosing $x$ from a convex set, to maximize the function, and choosing $(a,B)$ from a convex set, to minimize it. We prove the existence of a saddle point and describe an efficient method, based on … Read more

Robust Nonconvex Optimization for Simulation-based Problems

In engineering design, an optimized solution often turns out to be suboptimal, when implementation errors are encountered. While the theory of robust convex optimization has taken significant strides over the past decade, all approaches fail if the underlying cost function is not explicitly given; it is even worse if the cost function is nonconvex. In … Read more