Climate-Resilient Nodal Power System Expansion Planning for a Realistic California Test Case

Climate change is increasingly impacting power system operations, not only through more frequent extreme weather events but also through shifts in routine weather patterns. Factors such as increased temperatures, droughts, changing wind patterns, and solar irradiance shifts can impact both power system production and transmission and electric load. The current power system was not designed … Read more

Risk-aware Logic-based Benders Decomposition for a Location-Allocation-Pricing Problem with Stochastic Price-Sensitive Demands

We consider a capacitated location-allocation-pricing problem in a single-commodity supply chain with stochastic price-sensitive demands, where the location, allocation and pricing decisions are made simultaneously. Under a general risk measure representing an arbitrary risk tolerance policy, the problem is modeled as a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer program with a translation-invariant monotone risk measure. To solve the … Read more

A Two-stage Stochastic Programming Approach for CRNA Scheduling with Handovers

We present a two-stage stochastic integer program for assigning Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) to Operating Rooms (ORs) under surgery duration uncertainty. The proposed model captures the trade-offs between CRNA staffing levels, CRNA handovers and under-staffing in the ORs. Since the stochastic program includes binary variables in both stages, we present valid inequalities to tighten … Read more

Pessimistic bilevel optimization approach for decision-focused learning

The recent interest in contextual optimization problems, where randomness is associated with side information, has led to two primary strategies for formulation and solution. The first, estimate-then-optimize, separates the estimation of the problem’s parameters from the optimization process. The second, decision-focused optimization, integrates the optimization problem’s structure directly into the prediction procedure. In this work, … Read more

Risk-Averse Antibiotics Time Machine Problem

Antibiotic resistance, which is a serious healthcare issue, emerges due to uncontrolled and repeated antibiotic use that causes bacteria to mutate and develop resistance to antibiotics. The Antibiotics Time Machine Problem aims to come up with treatment plans that maximize the probability of reversing these mutations. Motivated by the severity of the problem, we develop … Read more

Bi-Parameterized Two-Stage Stochastic Min-Max and Min-Min Mixed Integer Programs

We introduce two-stage stochastic min-max and min-min integer programs with bi-parameterized recourse (BTSPs), where the first-stage decisions affect both the objective function and the feasible region of the second-stage problem. To solve these programs efficiently, we introduce Lagrangian-integrated L-shaped (\(L^2\)) methods, which guarantee exact solutions when the first-stage decisions are pure binary. For mixed-binary first-stage … Read more

A multilevel stochastic regularized first-order method with application to training

In this paper, we propose a new multilevel stochastic framework for the solution of optimization problems. The proposed approach uses random regularized first-order models that exploit an available hierarchical description of the problem, being either in the classical variable space or in the function space, meaning that different levels of accuracy for the objective function … Read more

Effective Scenarios in Distributionally Robust Optimization with Wasserstein Distance

This paper studies effective scenarios in Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) problems defined on a finite number of realizations (also called scenarios) of the uncertain parameters. Effective scenarios are critical scenarios in DRO in the sense that their removal from the support of the considered distributions alters the optimal value. Ineffective scenarios are those whose removal … Read more

Reduced Sample Complexity in Scenario-Based Control System Design via Constraint Scaling

The scenario approach is widely used in robust control system design and chance-constrained optimization, maintaining convexity without requiring assumptions about the probability distribution of uncertain parameters. However, the approach can demand large sample sizes, making it intractable for safety-critical applications that require very low levels of constraint violation. To address this challenge, we propose a … Read more