Utility Preference Robust Optimization with Moment-Type Information Structure

Utility preference robust optimization (PRO) models are recently proposed to deal with decision making problems where the decision maker’s true utility function is unknown and the optimal decision is based on the worst case utility function from an ambiguity set of utility functions. In this paper, we consider the case where the ambiguity set is … Read more

ALESQP: An augmented Lagrangian equality-constrained SQP method for optimization with general constraints

We present a new algorithm for infinite-dimensional optimization with general constraints, called ALESQP. In short, ALESQP is an augmented Lagrangian method that penalizes inequality constraints and solves equality-constrained nonlinear optimization subproblems at every iteration. The subproblems are solved using a matrix-free trust-region sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method that takes advantage of iterative, i.e., inexact linear … Read more

A Matrix-Free Trust-Region Newton Algorithm for Convex-Constrained Optimization

We describe a matrix-free trust-region algorithm for solving convex-constrained optimization problems that uses the spectral projected gradient method to compute trial steps. To project onto the intersection of the feasible set and the trust region, we reformulate and solve the dual projection problem as a one-dimensional root finding problem. We demonstrate our algorithm’s performance on … Read more

A data-driven, variable-speed model for the train timetable rescheduling problem

Train timetable rescheduling — the practice of changing the routes and timings of trains in real-time to respond to delays — can help to reduce the impact of reactionary delay. There are a number of existing optimisation models that can be used to determine the best way to reschedule the timetable in any given traffic … Read more

Determining the optimal piecewise constant approximation for the Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process rate of Emergency Department patient arrivals

Modeling the arrival process to an Emergency Department (ED) is the first step of all studies dealing with the patient flow within the ED. Many of them focus on the increasing phenomenon of ED overcrowding, which is afflicting hospitals all over the world. Since Discrete Event Simulation models are often adopted with the aim to … Read more

On Solving Elliptic Obstacle Problems by Compact Abs-Linearization

We consider optimal control problems governed by an elliptic variational inequality of the first kind, namely the obstacle problem. The variational inequality is treated by penalization which leads to optimization problems governed by a nonsmooth semi- linear elliptic PDE. The CALi algorithm is then applied for the efficient solution of these nonsmooth optimization problems. The … Read more

Solving Challenging Large Scale QAPs

We report our progress on the project for solving larger scale quadratic assignment problems (QAPs). Our main approach to solve large scale NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems such as QAPs is a parallel branch-and-bound method eciently implemented on a powerful computer system using the Ubiquity Generator (UG) framework that can utilize more than 100,000 cores. Lower … Read more

An Axiomatic Distance Methodology for Aggregating Multimodal Evaluations

This work introduces a multimodal data aggregation methodology featuring optimization models and algorithms for jointly aggregating heterogenous ordinal and cardinal evaluation inputs into a consensus evaluation. Mathematical modeling components are derived to enforce three types of logical couplings between the collective ordinal and cardinal evaluations: Rating and ranking preferences, numerical and ordinal estimates, and rating … Read more

Set characterizations and convex extensions for geometric convex-hull proofs

In the present work, we consider Zuckerberg’s method for geometric convex-hull proofs introduced in [Geometric proofs for convex hull defining formulations, Operations Research Letters 44(5), 625–629 (2016)]. It has only been scarcely adopted in the literature so far, despite the great flexibility in designing algorithmic proofs for the completeness of polyhedral descriptions that it offers. … Read more

Robust and Distributionally Robust Optimization Models for Support Vector Machine

In this paper we present novel data-driven optimization models for Support Vector Machines (SVM), with the aim of linearly separating two sets of points that have non-disjoint convex closures. Traditional classi cation algorithms assume that the training data points are always known exactly. However, real-life data are often subject to noise. To handle such uncertainty, we … Read more