Logarithmic-Barrier Decomposition Interior-Point Methods for Stochastic Linear Optimization in a Hilbert Space

Several logarithmic-barrier interior-point methods are now available for solving two-stage stochastic optimization problems with recourse in the finite-dimensional setting. However, despite the genuine need for studying such methods in general spaces, there are no infinite-dimensional analogs of these methods. Inspired by this evident gap in the literature, in this paper, we propose logarithmic-barrier decomposition-based interior-point … Read more

Identifying Effective Scenarios for Sample Average Approximation

We introduce a method to improve the tractability of the well-known Sample Average Approximation (SAA) without compromising important theoretical properties, such as convergence in probability and the consistency of an independent and identically distributed (iid) sample. We consider each scenario as a polyhedron of the mix of first-stage and second-stage decision variables. According to John’s … Read more

Tractable semi-algebraic approximation using Christoffel-Darboux kernel

We provide a new method to approximate a (possibly discontinuous) function using Christoffel-Darboux kernels. Our knowledge about the unknown multivariate function is in terms of finitely many moments of the Young measure supported on the graph of the function. Such an input is available when approximating weak (or measure-valued) solution of optimal control problems, entropy … Read more

Error estimates for iterative algorithms for minimizing regularized quadratic subproblems

We derive bounds for the objective errors and gradient residuals when finding approximations to the solution of common regularized quadratic optimization problems within evolving Krylov spaces. These provide upper bounds on the number of iterations required to achieve a given stated accuracy. We illustrate the quality of our bounds on given test examples. Citation Technical … Read more

Planning Out-of-Hours Services for Pharmacies

The supply of pharmaceuticals is one important factor in a functioning health care system. In the German health care system, the chambers of pharmacists are legally obliged to ensure that every resident can find an open pharmacy at any day and night time within an appropriate distance. To that end, the chambers of pharmacists create … Read more

A Delayed Weighted Gradient Method for Strictly Convex Quadratic Minimization

This paper develops an accelerated version of the steepest descent method by a two-step iteration. The new algorithm uses information with delay to define the iterations. Specifically, in the first step, a prediction of the new test point is calculated by using the gradient method with the exact minimal gradient steplength and then, a correction … Read more

Partially observable multistage stochastic programming

We propose a class of partially observable multistage stochastic programs and describe an algorithm for solving this class of problems. We provide a Bayesian update of a belief-state vector, extend the stochastic programming formulation to incorporate the belief state, and characterize saddle-function properties of the corresponding cost-to-go function. Our algorithm is a derivative of the … Read more

Exact Multiple Sequence Alignment by Synchronized Decision Diagrams

This paper develops an exact solution algorithm for the Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) problem. In the first step, we design a dynamic programming model and use it to construct a novel Multi-valued Decision Diagrams (MDD) representation of all pairwise sequence alignments (PSA). PSA MDDs are then synchronized using side constraints to model the MSA problem … Read more

Multi-objective optimization models for many-to-one matching problems

This paper is concerned with many-to-one matching problems for assigning residents to hospitals according to their preferences. The stable matching model aims at finding a stable matching, and the assignment game model involves maximizing the total utility; however, these two objectives are incompatible in general. We also focus on a situation where there are predetermined … Read more

Line search and convergence in bound-constrained optimization

The first part of this paper discusses convergence properties of a new line search method for the optimization of continuously differentiable functions with Lipschitz continuous gradient. The line search uses (apart from the gradient at the current best point) function values only. After deriving properties of the new, in general curved, line search, global convergence … Read more