Direct search based on probabilistic feasible descent for bound and linearly constrained problems

Direct search is a methodology for derivative-free optimization whose iterations are characterized by evaluating the objective function using a set of polling directions. In deterministic direct search applied to smooth objectives, these directions must somehow conform to the geometry of the feasible region and typically consist of positive generators of approximate tangent cones (which then … Read more

Complexity and global rates of trust-region methods based on probabilistic models

Trust-region algorithms have been proved to globally converge with probability one when the accuracy of the trust-region models is imposed with a certain probability conditioning on the iteration history. In this paper, we study their complexity, providing global rates and worst case complexity bounds on the number of iterations (with overwhelmingly high probability), for both … Read more

MultiGLODS: Global and Local Multiobjective Optimization using Direct Search

The optimization of multimodal functions is a challenging task, in particular when derivatives are not available for use. Recently, in a directional direct search framework, a clever multistart strategy was proposed for global derivative-free optimization of single objective functions. The goal of the current work is to generalize this approach to the computation of global … Read more

Dynamic programming algorithms, efficient solution of the LP-relaxation and approximation schemes for the Penalized Knapsack Problem

We consider the 0-1 Penalized Knapsack Problem (PKP). Each item has a profit, a weight and a penalty and the goal is to maximize the sum of the profits minus the greatest penalty value of the items included in a solution. We propose an exact approach relying on a procedure which narrows the relevant range … Read more

Simultaneous convexification of bilinear functions over polytopes with application to network interdiction

We study the simultaneous convexification of graphs of bilinear functions that contain bilinear products between variables x and y, where x belongs to a general polytope and y belongs to a simplex. We propose a constructive procedure to obtain a linear description of the convex hull of the resulting set. This procedure can be applied … Read more

Gas Storage Valuation in Incomplete Markets

Natural gas storage valuation is an important problem in energy trading, yet most valuation approaches are based on heuristics or ignore that gas markets are incomplete. We propose an exact valuation model for incomplete gas markets based on multistage stochastic programming. Market incompleteness structurally changes the problem of storage valuation and asset backed trading and … Read more

Locality sensitive heuristics for solving the Data Mule Routing Problem

A usual way to collect data in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is by the support of a special agent, called data mule, that moves between sensor nodes and performs all communication between them. In this work, the focus is on the construction of the route that the data mule must follow to serve all … Read more

Optimality condition and complexity analysis for linearly-constrained optimization without differentiability on the boundary

In this paper we consider the minimization of a continuous function that is potentially not differentiable or not twice differentiable on the boundary of the feasible region. By exploiting an interior point technique, we present first- and second-order optimality conditions for this problem that reduces to classical ones when the derivative on the boundary is … Read more

A dual Newton strategy for scenario decomposition in robust multi-stage MPC

This paper considers the solution of tree-structured Quadratic Programs (QPs) as they may arise in multi- stage Model Predictive Control (MPC). In this context, sampling the uncertainty on prescribed decision points gives rise to different scenarios that are linked to each other via the so-called non-anticipativity constraints. Previous work suggests to dualize these constraints and … Read more

Optimized Bonferroni Approximations of Distributionally Robust Joint Chance Constraints

A distributionally robust joint chance constraint involves a set of uncertain linear inequalities which can be violated up to a given probability threshold $\epsilon$, over a given family of probability distributions of the uncertain parameters. A conservative approximation of a joint chance constraint, often referred to as a Bonferroni approximation, uses the union bound to … Read more