Trace Norm Regularization: Reformulations, Algorithms, and Multi-task Learning

We consider a recently proposed optimization formulation of multi-task learning based on trace norm regularized least squares. While this problem may be formulated as a semidefinite program (SDP), its size is beyond general SDP solvers. Previous solution approaches apply proximal gradient methods to solve the primal problem. We derive new primal and dual reformulations of … Read more

Iteration-complexity of first-order augmented Lagrangian methods for convex programming

This paper considers a special class of convex programming (CP) problems whose feasible regions consist of a simple compact convex set intersected with an affine manifold. We present first-order methods for this class of problems based on an inexact version of the classical augmented Lagrangian (AL) approach, where the subproblems are approximately solved by means … Read more

Bundle Methods for Convex Minimization with Partially Inexact Oracles

Recently the proximal bundle method for minimizing a convex function has been extended to an inexact oracle that delivers function and subgradient values of unknown accuracy. We adapt this method to a partially inexact oracle that becomes exact only when an objective target level for a descent step is met. In Lagrangian relaxation, such oracles … Read more

Classification with Guaranteed Probability of Error

We introduce a general-purpose learning machine that we call the “Guaranteed Error Machine”, or GEM, and two learning algorithms, a “real GEM algorithm” and an “ideal GEM algorithm”. The real GEM algorithm is for use in real applications, while the ideal GEM algorithm is introduced as a theoretical tool; however, these two algorithms have identical … Read more

Improved algorithms for convex minimization in relative scale

In this paper we propose two modifications to Nesterov’s algorithms for minimizing convex functions in relative scale. The first is based on a bisection technique and leads to improved theoretical iteration complexity, and the second is a heuristic for avoiding restarting behavior. The fastest of our algorithms produces a solution within relative error O(1/k) of … Read more

Chance-constrained optimization via randomization: feasibility and optimality

In this paper we study the link between a semi-infinite chance-constrained optimization problem and its randomized version, i.e. the problem obtained by sampling a finite number of its constraints. Extending previous results on the feasibility of randomized convex programs, we establish here the feasibility of the solution obtained after the elimination of a portion of … Read more

Efficient Methods for Stochastic Composite Optimization

This paper considers an important class of convex programming problems whose objective function $\Psi$ is given by the summation of a smooth and non-smooth component. Further, it is assumed that the only information available for the numerical scheme to solve these problems is the subgradient of $\Psi$ contaminated by stochastic noise. Our contribution mainly consists … Read more

Iteration-complexity of first-order penalty methods

This paper considers a special but broad class of convex programing (CP) problems whose feasible region is a simple compact convex set intersected with the inverse image of a closed convex cone under an affine transformation. We study two first-order penalty methods for solving the above class of problems, namely: the quadratic penalty method and … Read more

Asymptotic convergence to the optimal value of diagonal proximal iterations in convex minimization

Given an approximation $\{f_n\}$ of a given objective function $f$, we provide simple and fairly general conditions under which a diagonal proximal point algorithm approximates the value $\inf f$ at a reasonable rate. We also perform some numerical tests and present a short survey on finite convergence. Citation To appear in Journal of Convex Analysis, … Read more

A Coordinate Gradient Descent Method for L_1-regularized Convex Minimization

In applications such as signal processing and statistics, many problems involve finding sparse solutions to under-determined linear systems of equations. These problems can be formulated as a structured nonsmooth optimization problems, i.e., the problem of minimizing L_1-regularized linear least squares problems. In this paper, we propose a block coordinate gradient descent method (abbreviated as CGD) … Read more