An Extended Validity Domain for Constraint Learning

We consider embedding a predictive machine-learning model within a prescriptive optimization problem. In this setting, called constraint learning, we study the concept of a validity domain, i.e., a constraint added to the feasible set, which keeps the optimization close to the training data, thus helping to ensure that the computed optimal solution exhibits less prediction … Read more

A graph-structured distance for heterogeneous datasets with meta variables

Heterogeneous datasets emerge in various machine learning or optimization applications that feature different data sources, various data types and complex relationships between variables. In practice, heterogeneous datasets are often partitioned into smaller well-behaved ones that are easier to process. However, some applications involve expensive-to-generate or limited size datasets, which motivates methods based on the whole … Read more

Stochastic Aspects of Dynamical Low-Rank Approximation in the Context of Machine Learning

The central challenges of today’s neural network architectures are the prohibitive memory footprint and the training costs associated with determining optimal weights and biases. A large portion of research in machine learning is therefore dedicated to constructing memory-efficient training methods. One promising approach is dynamical low-rank training (DLRT) which represents and trains parameters as a … Read more

Neur2BiLO: Neural Bilevel Optimization

Bilevel optimization deals with nested problems in which a leader takes the first decision to minimize their objective function while accounting for a follower best-response reaction. Constrained bilevel problems with integer variables are particularly notorious for their hardness.  While exact solvers have been proposed for mixed-integer~linear bilevel optimization, they tend to scale poorly with problem … Read more

Optimal counterfactual explanations for k-Nearest Neighbors using Mathematical Optimization and Constraint Programming

\(\) Within the topic of explainable AI, counterfactual explanations to classifiers have received significant recent attention. We study counterfactual explanations that try to explain why a data point received an undesirable classification by providing the closest data point that would have received a desirable one. Within the context of one the simplest and most popular … Read more

It’s All in the Mix: Wasserstein Machine Learning with Mixed Features

Citation Belbasi R., Selvi A., Wiesemann W. (December 2023) It’s all in the mix: Wasserstein machine learning with mixed features. Preprint. Article Download View It's All in the Mix: Wasserstein Machine Learning with Mixed Features

Data-driven Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problems with Deadlines

Vehicle routing problems (VRPs) with deadlines have received significant attention around the world. Motivated by a real-world food delivery problem, we assume that the travel time depends on the routing decisions, and study a data-driven stochastic VRP with deadlines and endogenous uncertainty. We use the non-parametric approaches, including k-nearest neighbor (kNN) and kernel density estimation … Read more

Data-Driven Counterfactual Optimization For Personalized Clinical Decision-Making

Chronic diseases have a significant impact on global mortality rates and healthcare costs. Notably, machine learning-based clinical assessment tools are becoming increasingly popular for informing treatment targets for high-risk patients with chronic diseases. However, using these tools alone, it is challenging to identify personalized treatment targets that lower the risks of adverse outcomes to a … Read more

Finding Regions of Counterfactual Explanations via Robust Optimization

Counterfactual explanations play an important role in detecting bias and improving the explainability of data-driven classification models. A counterfactual explanation (CE) is a minimal perturbed data point for which the decision of the model changes. Most of the existing methods can only provide one CE, which may not be achievable for the user. In this … Read more

The Online Shortest Path Problem: Learning Travel Times Using A Multi-Armed Bandit Framework

In the age of e-commerce, many logistic companies must operate in large road networks without accurate knowledge of travel times for their specific fleet of vehicles. Moreover, millions of dollars are spent on routing services that do not accurately capture the specific characteristics of the companies’ drivers and the types of vehicles they must use. … Read more