New Adaptive Stepsize Selections in Gradient Methods

This paper deals with gradient methods for minimizing n-dimensional strictly convex quadratic functions. Two new adaptive stepsize selection rules are presented and some key properties are proved. Practical insights on the effectiveness of the proposed techniques are given by a numerical comparison with the Barzilai-Borwein (BB) method, the cyclic/adaptive BB methods and two recent monotone … Read more

Constraint Nondegeneracy, Strong Regularity and Nonsingularity in Semidefinite Programming

It is known that the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions of semidefinite programming can be reformulated as a nonsmooth system via the metric projector over the cone of symmetric and positive semidefinite matrices. We show in this paper that the primal and dual constraint nondegeneracies, the strong regularity, the nonsingularity of the B-subdifferential of this nonsmooth system, … Read more

On diagonally-relaxed orthogonal projection methods

We propose and study a block-iterative projections method for solving linear equations and/or inequalities. The method allows diagonal component-wise relaxation in conjunction with orthogonal projections onto the individual hyperplanes of the system, and is thus called diagonally-relaxed orthogonal projections (DROP). Diagonal relaxation has proven useful in accelerating the initial convergence of simultaneous and block-iterative projection … Read more

Duality for Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

This paper is a survey of and some minor extensions to the theory of duality for mixed-integer linear programs. The theory of duality for linear programs is well-developed and has been extremely successful in both theory and practice. Much of this broad framework can be extended to MILPs in principle, but this has proven largely … Read more

A First-Order Framework for Inverse Imaging Problems

We argue that some inverse problems arising in imaging can be efficiently treated using only single-precision (or other reduced-precision) arithmetic, using a combination of old ideas (first-order methods, polynomial preconditioners), and new ones (bilateral filtering, total variation). Using single precision, and having structures which parallelize in the ways needed to take advantage of low-cost/high-performance multi-core/SIMD … Read more

Nonsmooth Quasiconcave Programming

This paper is devoted to optimality conditions for nonsmooth quasiconcave programming. Arrow and Enthoven (1961) formulate several economic problems into quasiconcave programming, and give a sufficient condition for smooth quasiconcave programming in their epoch-making and comprehensive paper. In this paper, generalized necessary and sufficient conditions for nonsmooth quasiconcave programming have been derived in terms of … Read more


A convex variational framework is proposed for solving inverse problems in Hilbert spaces with a priori information on the representation of the target solution in a frame. The objective function to be minimized consists of a separable term penalizing each frame coefficient individually and of a smooth term modeling the data formation model as well … Read more

Constrained linear system with disturbance: stability under disturbance feedback

This paper proposes a control parametrization under Model Predictive Controller (MPC) framework for constrained linear discrete time systems with bounded additive disturbances. The proposed approach has the same feasible domain as that obtained from parametrization over the family of time-varying state feedback policies. In addition, the closed-loop system is stable in the sense that the … Read more

The Impact of Collusion on the Price of Anarchy in Nonatomic and Discrete Network Games

Hayrapetyan, Tardos and Wexler recently introduced a framework to study the impact of collusion in congestion games on the quality of Nash equilibria. We adopt their framework to network games and focus on the well established price of anarchy as a measure of this impact. We first investigate nonatomic network games with coalitions. For this … Read more

Integer Programming Solution Approach for Inventory-Production-Distribution Problems with Direct Shipments

We construct an integrated multi-period inventory-production-distribution replenishment plan for three-stage supply chains. The supply chain maintains close-relationships with a small group of suppliers, and the nature of the products (bulk, chemical, etc.) makes it more economical to rely upon a direct shipment, full-truck load distribution policy between supply chain nodes. In this paper, we formulate … Read more