Designing sustainable diet plans by solving triobjective integer programs

We present an algorithm for triobjective nonlinear integer programs that combines the epsilon-constrained method with available oracles for biobjective integer programs. We prove that our method is able to detect the nondominated set within a finite number of iterations. Specific strategies to avoid the detection of weakly nondominated points are devised. The method is then … Read more

On Necessary Optimality Conditions for Sets of Points in Multiobjective Optimization

Taking inspiration from what is commonly done in single-objective optimization, most local algorithms proposed for multiobjective optimization extend the classical iterative scalar methods and produce sequences of points able to converge to single efficient points. Recently, a growing number of local algorithms that build sequences of sets has been devised, following the real nature of … Read more

On the accurate detection of the Pareto frontier for bi-objective mixed integer linear problems

We propose a criterion space search algorithm for bi-objective mixed integer linear programming problems. The Pareto frontier of these problems can have a complex structure, as it can include isolated points, open, half-open and closed line segments. Therefore, its exact detection is an achievable though hard computational task. Our algorithm works by alternating the resolution … Read more

Using dual relaxations in multiobjective mixed-integer quadratic programming

We present a branch-and-bound method for multiobjective mixed-integer convex quadratic programs that computes a superset of efficient integer assignments and a coverage of the nondominated set. The method relies on outer approximations of the upper image set of continuous relaxations. These outer approximations are obtained addressing the dual formulations of specific subproblems where the values … Read more

An oracle-based framework for robust combinatorial optimization

We propose a general solution approach for min-max-robust counterparts of combinatorial optimization problems with uncertain linear objectives. We focus on the discrete scenario case, but our approach can be extended to other types of uncertainty sets such as polytopes or ellipsoids. Concerning the underlying certain problem,the algorithm is entirely oracle-based, i.e., our approach only requires … Read more

Minimization over the l1-ball using an active-set non-monotone projected gradient

The l1-ball is a nicely structured feasible set that is widely used in many fields (e.g., machine learning, statistics and signal analysis) to enforce some sparsity in the model solutions. In this paper, we devise an active-set strategy for efficiently dealing with minimization problems over the l1-ball and embed it into a tailored algorithmic scheme … Read more

On the exactness of the eps-constraint method for bi-objective integer nonlinear programming

The eps-constraint method is a well-known scalarization technique used for multiobjective optimization. We explore how to properly define the step size parameter of the method in order to guarantee its exactness when dealing with problems having two nonlinear objective functions and integrality constraints on the variables. Under specific assumptions, we prove that the number of … Read more

A Penalty Branch-and-Bound Method for Mixed-Binary Linear Complementarity Problems

Linear complementarity problems (LCPs) are an important modeling tool for many practically relevant situations but also have many important applications in mathematics itself. Although the continuous version of the problem is extremely well studied, much less is known about mixed-integer LCPs (MILCPs) in which some variables have to be integer-valued in a solution. In particular, … Read more

Dealing with inequality constraints in large-scale semidefinite relaxations for graph coloring and maximum clique problems

Semidefinite programs (SDPs) can be solved in polynomial time by interior point methods. However, when the dimension of the problem gets large, interior point methods become impractical in terms of both computational time and memory requirements. Certain first-order methods, such as Alternating Direction Methods of Multipliers (ADMMs), established as suitable algorithms to deal with large-scale … Read more

A Decision Space Algorithm for Multiobjective Convex Quadratic Integer Optimization

We present a branch-and-bound algorithm for minimizing multiple convex quadratic objective functions over integer variables. Our method looks for efficient points by fixing subsets of variables to integer values and by using lower bounds in the form of hyperplanes in the image space derived from the continuous relaxations of the restricted objective functions. We show … Read more