Fourth-order Marginal Moment Model: Reformulations and Applications

This paper investigates the bounds on the expectation of combinatorial optimization given moment information for each individual random variable. A popular approach to solving this problem, known as the marginal moment model (MMM), is to reformulate it as a semidefinite program (SDP). In this paper, we investigate the structure of MMM with up to fourth-order … Read more

Distributed Task Assignment in a Swarm of UAVs

We consider the problem of distributed task assignment in a swarm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), where heterogeneous agents that can have different capabilities need to work in teams to execute tasks. We consider the case where communication between UAVs is costly or dangerous and should be limited or avoided, while individual UAVs have uncertain … Read more

Strategic Planning in Citriculture: An Optimization Approach

The worldwide citrus market has been impacted by various factors in recent years, including population growth, phytosanitary diseases, high costs of agricultural inputs, and diminishing planting areas. As a consequence, producers in this sector have attempted to find tools to support strategic planting decisions, and thus meet international contract demands. This paper proposes an optimization … Read more

Cuts and semidefinite liftings for the complex cut polytope

\(\) We consider the complex cut polytope: the convex hull of Hermitian rank 1 matrices \(xx^{\mathrm{H}}\), where the elements of \(x \in \mathbb{C}^n\) are \(m\)th unit roots. These polytopes have applications in \({\text{MAX-3-CUT}}\), digital communication technology, angular synchronization and more generally, complex quadratic programming. For \({m=2}\), the complex cut polytope corresponds to the well-known cut … Read more

Store Fulfillment with Autonomous Mobile Robots and In-Store Customers

Omnichannel services, such as buy-online-pickup-in-store, curbside pickup, and ship-from-store, have shifted the order-picking tasks previously completed by in-store customers doing their own shopping to the retailer’s responsibility. To fulfill these orders, many retailers have deployed a store fulfillment strategy, where online orders are picked from brick-and-mortar retail store shelves. We focus on the design of … Read more

Branch and Price for the Length-Constrained Cycle Partition Problem

The length-constrained cycle partition problem (LCCP) is a graph optimization problem in which a set of nodes must be partitioned into a minimum number of cycles. Every node is associated with a critical time and the length of every cycle must not exceed the critical time of any node in the cycle. We formulate LCCP … Read more

Data-Driven Reliable Facility Location Design

We study the reliable (uncapacitated) facility location (RFL) problem in a data-driven environment where historical observations of random demands and disruptions are available. Owing to the combinatorial optimization nature of the RFL problem and the mixed-binary randomness of parameters therein, the state-of-the-art RFL models applied to the data-driven setting either suggest overly conservative solutions, or … Read more

Tactical workforce sizing and scheduling decisions for last-mile delivery

We tackle the problems of workforce sizing and shift scheduling of a logistic operator delivering parcels in the last-mile segment of the supply chain. Our working hypothesis is that the relevant decisions are affected by two main trade-offs: workforce size and shift stability. A large workforce is able to deal with demand fluctuations but incurs … Read more

Crew Scheduling and Routing Problem in Road Restoration via Branch-and-Price Algorithms

This paper addresses the single crew scheduling and routing problem in the context of road network repair and restoration, which is critical in assisting complex post-disaster decisions in humanitarian logistics settings. We present three novel formulations for this problem, which are the first suitable for column generation and branch-and-price (BP) algorithms. Specifically, our first formulation … Read more

Integrating Public Transport in Sustainable Last-Mile Delivery: Column Generation Approaches

We tackle the problem of coordinating a three-echelon last-mile delivery system. In the first echelon, trucks transport parcels from distribution centres outside the city to public transport stops. In the second echelon, the parcels move on public transport and reach the city centre. In the third echelon, zero-emission vehicles pick up the parcels at public … Read more