Reliable single allocation hub location problem under hub breakdowns

The design of hub-and-spoke transport networks is a strategic planning problem, as the choice of hub locations has to remain unchanged for long time periods. However, strikes, disasters or traffic breakdown can lead to the unavailability of a hub for a short period of time. Therefore it is important to consider such events already in … Read more

An approximation algorithm for the partial covering 0-1 integer program

The partial covering 0-1 integer program (PCIP) is a relaxed problem of the covering 0-1 integer program (CIP) such that some fixed number of constraints may not be satisfied. This type of relaxation is also discussed in the partial set multi-cover problem (PSMCP) and the partial set cover problem (PSCP). In this paper, we propose … Read more

Fooling Sets and the Spanning Tree Polytope

In the study of extensions of polytopes of combinatorial optimization problems, a notorious open question is that for the size of the smallest extended formulation of the Minimum Spanning Tree problem on a complete graph with n nodes. The best known lower bound is \Omega(n^2), the best known upper bound is O(n^3). In this note … Read more

Recent Progress Using Matheuristics for Strategic Maritime Inventory Routing

This paper presents an extensive computational study of simple, but prominent matheuristics (i.e., heuristics that rely on mathematical programming models) to fi nd high quality ship schedules and inventory policies for a class of maritime inventory routing problems. Our computational experiments are performed on a set of the publicly available MIRPLib instances. This class of inventory … Read more

Understanding Deep Neural Networks with Rectified Linear Units

In this paper we investigate the family of functions representable by deep neural networks (DNN) with rectified linear units (ReLU). We give the first-ever polynomial time (in the size of data) algorithm to train a ReLU DNN with one hidden layer to {\em global optimality}. This follows from our complete characterization of the ReLU DNN … Read more

An Exact Algorithm for the Partition Coloring Problem

We study the Partition Coloring Problem (PCP), a generalization of the Vertex Coloring Problem where the vertex set is partitioned. The PCP asks to select one vertex for each subset of the partition in such a way that the chromatic number of the induced graph is minimum. We propose a new Integer Linear Programming formulation … Read more

On Dantzig figures from graded lexicographic orders

We construct two families of Dantzig figures, which are $d$-dimensional polytopes with $2d$ facets and an antipodal vertex pair, from convex hulls of initial subsets for the graded lexicographic (grlex) and graded reverse lexicographic (grevlex) orders on $\mathbb{Z}^{d}_{\geq 0}$. These polytopes have the same number of vertices $O(d^2)$ and the same number of edges $O(d^3)$, … Read more

A Robust Approach to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Uncertain Costs

We investigate a robust approach for solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) with uncertain travel times. It is based on the concept of K-adaptability, which allows to calculate a set of k feasible solutions in a preprocessing phase before the scenario is revealed. Once a scenario occurs, the corresponding best solution may be picked … Read more

The Min-up/Min-down Unit Commitment polytope

The Min-up/min-down Unit Commitment Problem (MUCP) is to find a minimum-cost production plan on a discrete time horizon for a set of fossil-fuel units for electricity production. At each time period, the total production has to meet a forecasted demand. Each unit must satisfy minimum up-time and down-time constraints besides featuring production and start-up costs. … Read more