Optimal Stability and Eigenvalue Multiplicity

We consider the problem of minimizing over an affine set of square matrices the maximum of the real parts of the eigenvalues. Such problems are prototypical in robust control and stability analysis. Under nondegeneracy conditions, we show that the multiplicities of the active eigenvalues at a critical matrix remain unchanged under small perturbations of the … Read more

Optimizing Matrix Stability

Given an affine subspace of square matrices, we consider the problem of minimizing the spectral abscissa (the largest real part of an eigenvalue). We give an example whose optimal solution has Jordan form consisting of a single Jordan block, and we show, using nonlipschitz variational analysis, that this behaviour persists under arbitrary small perturbations to … Read more

A Pattern Search Filter Method for Nonlinear Programming without Derivatives

This paper presents and analyzes a pattern search method for general constrained optimization based on filter methods for step acceptance. Roughly, a filter method accepts a step that either improves the objective function value or the value of some function that measures the constraint violation. The new algorithm does not compute or approximate any derivatives, … Read more

A bundle filter method for nonsmooth nonlinear optimization

We consider minimizing a nonsmooth objective subject to nonsmooth constraints. The nonsmooth functions are approximated by a bundle of subgradients. The novel idea of a filter is used to promote global convergence. Citation NA\195, Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee, UK, December, 1999 Article Download View A bundle filter method for nonsmooth nonlinear optimization