Finding the projection of a point onto the intersection of convex sets via projections onto halfspaces

We present a modification of Dykstra’s algorithm which allows us to avoid projections onto general convex sets. Instead, we calculate projections onto either a halfspace or onto the intersection of two halfspaces. Convergence of the algorithm is established and special choices of the halfspaces are proposed. The option to project onto halfspaces instead of general … Read more

On Conically Ordered Convex Programs

In this paper we study a special class of convex optimization problems called {\em conically ordered convex programs}\/ (COCP), where the feasible region is given as the level set of a vector-valued nonlinear mapping, expressed as a nonnegative combination of convex functions. The nonnegativity of the vectors is defined using a pre-described conic ordering. The … Read more

Conic systems and sublinear mappings: equivalent approaches

It is known that linear conic systems are a special case of set-valued sublinear mappings. Hence the latter subsumes the former. In this note we observe that linear conic systems also contain set-valued sublinear mappings as a special case. Consequently, the former also subsumes the latter. Citation Operations Research Letters 32 (2004) pp. 463–467.

Characterizations of error bounds for lower semicontinuous functions on metric spaces

By using a variational method based on Ekeland’s principle, we give characterizations of the existence of so-called global and local error bounds, for lower semicontinuous functions defined on complete metric spaces. We thus provide a systematic and synthetic approach to the subject, emphasizing the special case of convex functions defined on arbitrary Banach spaces, and … Read more

LMI approximations for cones of positive semidefinite forms

An interesting recent trend in optimization is the application of semidefinite programming techniques to new classes of optimization problems. In particular, this trend has been successful in showing that under suitable circumstances, polynomial optimization problems can be approximated via a sequence of semidefinite programs. Similar ideas apply to conic optimization over the cone of copositive … Read more

On the Convergence of Successive Linear Programming Algorithms

We analyze the global convergence properties of a class of penalty methods for nonlinear programming. These methods include successive linear programming approaches, and more specifically the SLP-EQP approach presented in \cite{ByrdGoulNoceWalt02}. Every iteration requires the solution of two trust region subproblems involving linear and quadratic models, respectively. The interaction between the trust regions of these … Read more

An interior point cutting plane method for convex feasibility problem with second-order cone inequalities

Convex feasibility problem in general, is a problem of finding a point in a convex set contains a full dimensional ball and is contained in a compact convex set. We assume that the outer set is described by second-order cone inequalities and propose an analytic center cutting plane technique to solve this problem. We discuss … Read more

The Lax conjecture is true

In 1958 Lax conjectured that hyperbolic polynomials in three variables are determinants of linear combinations of three symmetric matrices. This conjecture is equivalent to a recent observation of Helton and Vinnikov. Citation Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Canada Article Download View The Lax conjecture is true

The mathematics of eigenvalue optimization

Optimization problems involving the eigenvalues of symmetric and nonsymmetric matrices present a fascinating mathematical challenge. Such problems arise often in theory and practice, particularly in engineering design, and are amenable to a rich blend of classical mathematical techniques and contemporary optimization theory. This essay presents a personal choice of some central mathematical ideas, outlined for … Read more

Nonsmooth Matrix Valued Functions Defined by Singular Values

A class of matrix valued functions defined by singular values of nonsymmetric matrices is shown to have many properties analogous to matrix valued functions defined by eigenvalues of symmetric matrices. In particular, the (smoothed) matrix valued Fischer-Burmeister function is proved to be strongly semismooth everywhere. This result is also used to show the strong semismoothness … Read more