MPCC Strategies for Nonsmooth NLPs

This paper develops solution strategies for large-scale nonsmooth optimization problems. We transform nonsmooth programs into equivalent mathematical programs with complementarity constraints (MPCCs), and then employ NLP-based strategies for their so- lution. For this purpose, two NLP formulations based on complementarity relaxations are put forward, one of which applies a parameterized formulation and operates with a … Read more

A Sum of Squares Characterization of Perfect Graphs

We present an algebraic characterization of perfect graphs, i.e., graphs for which the clique number and the chromatic number coincide for every induced subgraph. We show that a graph is perfect if and only if certain nonnegative polynomials associated with the graph are sums of squares. As a byproduct, we obtain several infinite families of … Read more

Inertial-relaxed splitting for composite monotone inclusions

In a similar spirit of the extension of the proximal point method developed by Alves et al. \cite{alvegm20}, we propose in this work an Inertial-Relaxed primal-dual splitting method to address the problem of decomposing the minimization of the sum of three convex functions, one of them being smooth, and considering a general coupling subspace. A … Read more

Complexity of optimizing over the integers

In the first part of this paper, we present a unified framework for analyzing the algorithmic complexity of any optimization problem, whether it be continuous or discrete in nature. This helps to formalize notions like “input”, “size” and “complexity” in the context of general mathematical optimization, avoiding context dependent definitions which is one of the … Read more

Bounding the separable rank via polynomial optimization

We investigate questions related to the set $\mathcal{SEP}_d$ consisting of the linear maps $\rho$ acting on $\mathbb{C}^d\otimes \mathbb{C}^d$ that can be written as a convex combination of rank one matrices of the form $xx^*\otimes yy^*$. Such maps are known in quantum information theory as the separable bipartite states, while nonseparable states are called entangled. In … Read more

A unified analysis of a class of proximal bundle methods for solving hybrid convex composite optimization problems

This paper presents a proximal bundle (PB) framework based on a generic bundle update scheme for solving the hybrid convex composite optimization (HCCO) problem and establishes a common iteration-complexity bound for any variant belonging to it. As a consequence, iteration-complexity bounds for three PB variants based on different bundle update schemes are obtained in the … Read more

Adjustable robust optimization with objective uncertainty

In this work, we study optimization problems where some cost parameters are not known at decision time and the decision flow is modeled as a two-stage process within a robust optimization setting. We address general problems in which all constraints (including those linking the first and the second stages) are defined by convex functions and … Read more

On the Convergence of Projected Alternating Maximization for Equitable and Optimal Transport

This paper studies the equitable and optimal transport (EOT) problem, which has many applications such as fair division problems and optimal transport with multiple agents etc. In the discrete distributions case, the EOT problem can be formulated as a linear program (LP). Since this LP is prohibitively large for general LP solvers, Scetbon \etal \cite{scetbon2021equitable} … Read more

Comparing Solution Paths of Sparse Quadratic Minimization with a Stieltjes Matrix

This paper studies several solution paths of sparse quadratic minimization problems as a function of the weighing parameter of the bi-objective of estimation loss versus solution sparsity. Three such paths are considered: the “L0-path” where the discontinuous L0-function provides the exact sparsity count; the “L1-path” where the L1-function provides a convex surrogate of sparsity count; … Read more

Log-domain interior-point methods for convex quadratic programming

Applying an interior-point method to the central-path conditions is a widely used approach for solving quadratic programs. Reformulating these conditions in the log-domain is a natural variation on this approach that to our knowledge is previously unstudied. In this paper, we analyze log-domain interior-point methods and prove their polynomial-time convergence. We also prove that they … Read more