Climate-Resilient Nodal Power System Expansion Planning for a Realistic California Test Case

Climate change is increasingly impacting power system operations, not only through more frequent extreme weather events but also through shifts in routine weather patterns. Factors such as increased temperatures, droughts, changing wind patterns, and solar irradiance shifts can impact both power system production and transmission and electric load. The current power system was not designed … Read more

A Branch and Price Algorithm for Scheduling in Surgery Pre-admission Testing Clinics

A Surgery Pre-Admission Testing (PAT) clinic is a hospital unit designed to serve pre-operative patients by gathering critical patient information and performing procedure-specific tests to prepare them for surgery. Patients may require multiple tests, each conducted by a specialized nurse. A patient must be assigned to a room before starting any test and must stay … Read more

Integer Control Approximations for Graphon Dynamical Systems

Graphons generalize graphs and define a limit object of a converging graph sequence. The notion of graphons allows for a generic representation of coupled network dynamical systems. We are interested in approximating optimal switching controls for graphon dynamical systems. To this end, we apply a decomposition approach comprised of a relaxation and a reconstruction step. … Read more

Optimal Experimental Design with Routing Constraints

Data collection in application domains like agriculture and environmental science requires the deployment of sensors in large remote areas. These use cases challenge the traditional optimal experimental design (OED) formulation from statistics by their scale as well as the presence of complex operational constraints, such as that data is collected along the trajectory of a … Read more

Risk-aware Logic-based Benders Decomposition for a Location-Allocation-Pricing Problem with Stochastic Price-Sensitive Demands

We consider a capacitated location-allocation-pricing problem in a single-commodity supply chain with stochastic price-sensitive demands, where the location, allocation and pricing decisions are made simultaneously. Under a general risk measure representing an arbitrary risk tolerance policy, the problem is modeled as a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer program with a translation-invariant monotone risk measure. To solve the … Read more

Analyzing the numerical correctness of branch-and-bound decisions for mixed-integer programming

Most state-of-the-art branch-and-bound solvers for mixed-integer linear programming rely on limited-precision floating-point arithmetic and use numerical tolerances when reasoning about feasibility and optimality during their search. While the practical success of floating-point MIP solvers bears witness to their overall numerical robustness, it is well-known that numerically challenging input can lead them to produce incorrect results. … Read more

Multi-Stage Selection under Bounded Variation

We investigate a multi-stage version of the selection problem where the variation between solutions in consecutive stages is either penalized in the objective function or bounded by hard constraints. While the former problem turns out to be tractable, the complexity of the latter problem depends on the type of bounds imposed: When bounding the number … Read more

A Two-stage Stochastic Programming Approach for CRNA Scheduling with Handovers

We present a two-stage stochastic integer program for assigning Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) to Operating Rooms (ORs) under surgery duration uncertainty. The proposed model captures the trade-offs between CRNA staffing levels, CRNA handovers and under-staffing in the ORs. Since the stochastic program includes binary variables in both stages, we present valid inequalities to tighten … Read more

MIP-DD: Delta Debugging for Mixed Integer Programming Solvers

The recent performance improvements in mixed-integer programming (MIP) have been accompanied by a significantly increased complexity of the codes of MIP solvers, which poses challenges in fixing implementation errors. In this paper, we introduce MIP-DD, a solver-independent tool, which to the best of our knowledge is the first open-source delta debugger for MIP. Delta debugging … Read more

Integrated Schedule Planning for Regional Airlines Using Column Generation

Problem definition: More than one-third of US domestic flights are operated by regional airlines. This paper focuses on optimizing medium-term schedule planning decisions for a network of regional airlines through the joint optimization of frequency planning, timetable development, fleet assignment, and some limited aspects of route planning, while capturing passengers’ travel decisions through a general … Read more