Approximating the Gomory Mixed-Integer Cut Closure Using Historical Data

Many operations related optimization problems involve repeatedly solving similar mixed integer linear programming (MILP) instances with the same constraint matrix but differing objective coefficients and right-hand-side values. The goal of this paper is to generate good cutting-planes for such instances using historical data. Gomory mixed integer cuts (GMIC) for a general MILP can be parameterized … Read more

Closest Assignment Constraints for Hub Disruption Problems

Supply chains and logistics can be well represented with hub networks. Operations of these hubs can be disrupted due to unanticipated occurrences or attacks. This study includes Closest assignment Constraints related to hub disruption problems, which can be used in single-level reformulation of the bilevel model. In this study, We propose new sets of constraints … Read more

A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Discrete Network Design Problems Under Traffic Equilibrium

This study addresses discrete network design problems under traffic equilibrium conditions or DNDPs. Given a network and a budget, DNDPs aim to model all-or-nothing decisions such as link addition to minimize network congestion effects. Congestion is measured using traffic equilibrium theory where link travel times are modeled as convex flow-dependent functions and where users make … Read more

Unboundedness in Bilevel Optimization

Bilevel optimization has garnered growing interest over the past decade. However, little attention has been paid to detecting and dealing with unboundedness in these problems, with most research assuming a bounded high-point relaxation. In this paper, we address unboundedness in bilevel optimization by studying its computational complexity and developing algorithmic approaches to detect it. We … Read more

An analytical lower bound for a class of minimizing quadratic integer optimization problems

Lower bounds on minimization problems are essential for convergence of both branching-based and iterative solution methods for optimization problems. They are also required for evaluating the quality of feasible solutions by providing conservative optimality gaps. We provide an analytical lower bound for a class of quadratic optimization problems with binary decision variables. In contrast to … Read more

Accelerating Benders decomposition for solving a sequence of sample average approximation replications

Sample average approximation (SAA) is a technique for obtaining approximate solutions to stochastic programs that uses the average from a random sample to approximate the expected value that is being optimized. Since the outcome from solving an SAA is random, statistical estimates on the optimal value of the true problem can be obtained by solving … Read more

Sparse Principal Component Analysis with Non-Oblivious Adversarial Perturbations

Sparse Principal Component Analysis (sparse PCA) is a fundamental dimension-reduction tool that enhances interpretability in various high-dimensional settings. An important variant of sparse PCA studies the scenario when samples are adversarially perturbed. Notably, most existing statistical studies on this variant focus on recovering the ground truth and verifying the robustness of classical algorithms when the … Read more

Single-Scenario Facet Preservation for Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programs

We consider improving the polyhedral representation of the extensive form of a stochastic mixed-integer program (SMIP). Given a facet for a single-scenario version of an SMIP, our main result provides necessary and sufficient conditions under which this inequality remains facet-defining for the extensive form. We then present several implications, which show that common recourse structures … Read more

Cut-based Conflict Analysis in Mixed Integer Programming

For almost two decades, mixed integer programming (MIP) solvers have used graph- based conflict analysis to learn from local infeasibilities during branch-and-bound search. In this paper, we improve MIP conflict analysis by instead using reasoning based on cuts, inspired by the development of conflict-driven solvers for pseudo- Boolean optimization. Phrased in MIP terminology, this type … Read more

Generator Subadditive Functions for Mixed-Integer Programs

For equality-constrained linear mixed-integer programs (MIP) defined by rational data, it is known that the subadditive dual is a strong dual and that there exists an optimal solution of a particular form, termed generator subadditive function. Motivated by these results, we explore the connection between Lagrangian duality, subadditive duality and generator subadditive functions for general … Read more