Weak Infeasibility in Second Order Cone Programming

The objective of this work is to study weak infeasibility in second order cone programming. For this purpose, we consider a relaxation sequence of feasibility problems that mostly preserve the feasibility status of the original problem. This is used to show that for a given weakly infeasible problem at most m directions are needed to … Read more

Robust Sensitivity Analysis of the Optimal Value of Linear Programming

We propose a framework for sensitivity analysis of linear programs (LPs) in minimiza- tion form, allowing for simultaneous perturbations in the objective coefficients and right-hand sides, where the perturbations are modeled in a compact, convex uncertainty set. This framework unifies and extends multiple approaches for LP sensitivity analysis in the literature and has close ties … Read more

Simple Approximations of Semialgebraic Sets and their Applications to Control

Many uncertainty sets encountered in control systems analysis and design can be expressed in terms of semialgebraic sets, that is as the intersection of sets described by means of polynomial inequalities. Important examples are for instance the solution set of linear matrix inequalities or the Schur/Hurwitz stability domains. These sets often have very complicated shapes … Read more

Solving conic optimization problems via self-dual embedding and facial reduction: a unified approach

We establish connections between the facial reduction algorithm of Borwein and Wolkowicz and the self-dual homogeneous model of Goldman and Tucker when applied to conic optimization problems. Specifically, we show the self-dual homogeneous model returns facial reduction certificates when it fails to return a primal-dual optimal solution or a certificate of infeasibility. Using this observation, … Read more

Linear conic formulations for two-party correlations and values of nonlocal games

In this work we study the sets of two-party correlations generated from a Bell scenario involving two spatially separated systems with respect to various physical models. We show that the sets of classical, quantum, no-signaling and unrestricted correlations can be expressed as projections of affine sections of appropriate convex cones. As a by-product, we identify … Read more

Strong Duality: Without Simplex and without theorems of alternatives

The simplex method has its own problems related to degenerate basic feasible solutions. While such solutions are infrequent, from a theoretical standpoint a proof of the strong duality theorem that uses the simplex method is not complete until it has taken a few extra steps. Further, for economists the duality theorem is extremely important whereas … Read more

A Stochastic Programming Approach for Shelter Location and Evacuation Planning

Shelter location and traffic allocation decisions are critical for an efficient evacuation plan. In this study, we propose a scenario-based two-stage stochastic evacuation planning model that optimally locates shelter sites and that assigns evacuees to nearest shelters and to shortest paths within a tolerance degree to minimize the expected total evacuation time. Our model considers … Read more

Noisy Euclidean distance realization: robust facial reduction and the Pareto frontier

We present two algorithms for large-scale low-rank Euclidean distance matrix completion problems, based on semidefinite optimization. Our first method works by relating cliques in the graph of the known distances to faces of the positive semidefinite cone, yielding a combinatorial procedure that is provably robust and parallelizable. Our second algorithm is a first order method … Read more

Inner Approximations of Completely Positive Reformulations of Mixed Binary Quadratic Programs: A Unified Analysis

Every quadratic programming problem with a mix of continuous and binary variables can be equivalently reformulated as a completely positive optimization problem, i.e., a linear optimization problem over the convex but computationally intractable cone of completely positive matrices. In this paper, we focus on general inner approximations of the cone of completely positive matrices on … Read more

The solution of Euclidean norm trust region SQP subproblems via second order cone programs, an overview and elementary introduction

It is well known that convex SQP subproblems with a Euclidean norm trust region constraint can be reduced to second order cone programs for which the theory of Euclidean Jordan-algebras leads to efficient interior-point algorithms. Here, a brief and self-contained outline of the principles of such an implementation is given. All identities relevant for the … Read more