Using Inexact Gradients in a Multilevel Optimization Algorithm

Many optimization algorithms require gradients of the model functions, but computing accurate gradients can be computationally expensive. We study the implications of using inexact gradients in the context of the multilevel optimization algorithm MGOpt. MGOpt recursively uses (typically cheaper) coarse models to obtain search directions for finer-level models. However, MGOpt requires the gradient on the … Read more

On the Convergence Properties of Non-Euclidean Extragradient Methods for Variational Inequalities with Generalized Monotone Operators

In this paper, we study a class of generalized monotone variational inequality (GMVI) problems whose operators are not necessarily monotone (e.g., pseudo-monotone). We present non-Euclidean extragradient (N-EG) methods for computing an approximate strong solution of these problems, and demonstrate how their iteration complexities depend on the global Lipschitz or H\”{o}lder continuity properties for their operators … Read more

Solution of monotone complementarity and general convex programming problems using modified potential reduction interior point method

We present a homogeneous algorithm equipped with a modified potential function for the monotone complementarity problem. We show that this potential function is reduced by at least a constant amount if a scaled Lipschitz condition is satis ed. A practical algorithm based on this potential function is implemented in a software package named iOptimize. The implementation … Read more

A class of Fejer convergent algorithms, approximate resolvents and the Hybrid Proximal-Extragradient method

A new framework for analyzing Fejer convergent algorithms is presented. Using this framework we define a very general class of Fejer convergent algorithms and establish its convergence properties. We also introduce a new definition of approximations of resolvents which preserve some useful features of the exact resolvent, and use this concept to present an unifying … Read more

Successive Convex Approximations to Cardinality-Constrained Quadratic Programs: A DC Approach

In this paper we consider a cardinality-constrained quadratic program that minimizes a convex quadratic function subject to a cardinality constraint and linear constraints. This class of problems has found many applications, including portfolio selection, subset selection and compressed sensing. We propose a successive convex approximation method for this class of problems in which the cardinality … Read more

Packing Ellipsoids with Overlap

The problem of packing ellipsoids of different sizes and shapes into an ellipsoidal container so as to minimize a measure of overlap between ellipsoids is considered. A bilevel optimization formulation is given, together with an algorithm for the general case and a simpler algorithm for the special case in which all ellipsoids are in fact … Read more

Solving Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs by QP-Diving

We present a new tree-search algorithm for solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs). Rather than relying on computationally expensive nonlinear solves at every node of the branch-and-bound tree, our algorithm solves a quadratic approximation at every node. We show that the resulting algorithm retains global convergence properties for convex MINLPs, and we present numerical results on … Read more

New updates of incomplete LU factorizations and applications to large nonlinear systems

In this paper, we address the problem of preconditioning sequences of large sparse nonsymmetric systems of linear equations and present two new strategies to construct approximate updates of factorized preconditioners. Both updates are based on the availability of an incomplete LU (ILU) factorization for one matrix of the sequence and differ in the approximation of … Read more

Limited Memory Block Krylov Subspace Optimization for Computing Dominant Singular Value Decompositions

In many data-intensive applications, the use of principal component analysis (PCA) and other related techniques is ubiquitous for dimension reduction, data mining or other transformational purposes. Such transformations often require efficiently, reliably and accurately computing dominant singular value decompositions (SVDs) of large unstructured matrices. In this paper, we propose and study a subspace optimization technique … Read more

On Differentiability Properties of Player Convex Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems

This article studies differentiability properties for a reformulation of a player convex generalized Nash equilibrium problem as a constrained and possibly nonsmooth minimization problem. By using several results from parametric optimization we show that, apart from exceptional cases, all locally minimal points of the reformulation are differentiability points of the objective function. This justifies a … Read more