Regularization methods for semidefinite programming

This paper studies an alternative technique to interior point methods and nonlinear methods for semidefinite programming (SDP). The approach based on classical quadratic regularizations leads to an algorithm, generalizing a recent method called “boundary point method”. We study the theoretical properties of this algorithm and we show that in practice it behaves very well on … Read more

A multilevel algorithm for solving the trust-region subproblem

We present a multilevel numerical algorithm for the exact solution of the Euclidean trust-region subproblem. This particular subproblem typically arises when optimizing a nonlinear (possibly non-convex) objective function whose variables are discretized continuous functions, in which case the different levels of discretization provide a natural multilevel context. The trust-region problem is considered at the highest … Read more

Adaptive cubic overestimation methods for unconstrained optimization

An Adaptive Cubic Overestimation (ACO) algorithm for unconstrained optimization is proposed, generalizing at the same time an unpublished method due to Griewank (Technical Report NA/12, 1981, DAMTP, Univ. of Cambridge), an algorithm by Nesterov & Polyak (Math. Programming 108(1), 2006, pp 177-205) and a proposal by Weiser, Deuflhard & Erdmann (Optim. Methods Softw. 22(3), 2007, … Read more

Duality in quasi-newton methods and new variational characterizations of the DFP and BFGS updates

It is known that quasi-Newton updates can be characterized by variational means, sometimes in more than one way. This paper has two main goals. We first formulate variational problems appearing in quasi-Newton methods within the space of symmetric matrices. This simplies both their formulations and their subsequent solutions. We then construct, for the first time, … Read more

Classification problems with imprecise data through separating hyperplanes

We consider a supervised classification problem in which the elements to be classified are sets with certain geometrical properties. In particular, this model can be applied to deal with data affected by some kind of noise and in the case of interval-valued data. Two classification rules, a fuzzy one and a crisp one, are defined … Read more

Optimal solutions for unrelated parallel machines scheduling problems using convex quadratic reformulations

In this work, we take advantage of the powerful quadratic programming theory to obtain optimal solutions of scheduling problems. We apply a methodology that starts, in contrast to more classical approaches, by formulating three unrelated parallel machine scheduling problems as 0–1 quadratic programs under linear constraints. By construction, these quadratic programs are non-convex. Therefore, before … Read more

On the solution of fuzzy bilevel programming problems

In this paper we formulate the fuzzy bilevel programming problem and describe one possible approach for formulating a crisp optimization problem being attached to it. Due to the nature of fuzzy bilevel programming this is a crisp bilevel programming problem. We compare our approach with one using multicriterial optimization and show, that both approaches are … Read more

A Filter Active-Set Trust-Region Method

We develop a new active-set method for nonlinear programming problems that solves a regularized linear program to predict the active set and then fixes the active constraints to solve an equality-constrained quadratic program for fast convergence. Global convergence is promoted through the use of a filter. We show that the regularization parameter fulfills the same … Read more

Optimization by the Fixed-Point Method, Version 2.17

Abstract: After developing necessary background theory, the original primal and dual are specified, and the invariant primal and dual LP’s are defined. Pairs of linear mappings are defined which establish an effectively one-to-one correspondences between solutions to the original and invariant problems. The invariant problems are recast as a fixed-point problem and precise solution conditions … Read more

The extremal volume ellipsoids of convex bodies, their symmetry properties, and their determination in some special cases

A convex body K has associated with it a unique circumscribed ellipsoid CE(K) with minimum volume, and a unique inscribed ellipsoid IE(K) with maximum volume. We first give a unified, modern exposition of the basic theory of these extremal ellipsoids using the semi-infinite programming approach pioneered by Fritz John in his seminal 1948 paper. We … Read more