The Generalized Trust Region Subproblem: solution complexity and convex hull results

We consider the Generalized Trust Region Subproblem (GTRS) of minimizing a nonconvex quadratic objective over a nonconvex quadratic constraint. A lifting of this problem recasts the GTRS as minimizing a linear objective subject to two nonconvex quadratic constraints. Our first main contribution is structural: we give an explicit description of the convex hull of this … Read more

Projections onto the canonical simplex with additional linear inequalities

We consider the distributionally robust optimization and show that computing the distributional worst-case is equivalent to computing the projection onto the canonical simplex with additional linear inequality. We consider several distance functions to measure the distance of distributions. We write the projections as optimization problems and show that they are equivalent to finding a zero … Read more

Scalable Preconditioning of Block-Structured Linear Algebra Systems using ADMM

We study the solution of block-structured linear algebra systems arising in optimization by using iterative solution techniques. These systems are the core computational bottleneck of many problems of interest such as parameter estimation, optimal control, network optimization, and stochastic programming. Our approach uses a Krylov solver (GMRES) that is preconditioned with an alternating method of … Read more

A Delayed Weighted Gradient Method for Strictly Convex Quadratic Minimization

This paper develops an accelerated version of the steepest descent method by a two-step iteration. The new algorithm uses information with delay to define the iterations. Specifically, in the first step, a prediction of the new test point is calculated by using the gradient method with the exact minimal gradient steplength and then, a correction … Read more

On Electricity Market Equilibria with Storage: Modeling, Uniqueness, and a Distributed ADMM

We consider spot-market trading of electricity including storage operators as additional agents besides producers and consumers. Storages allow for shifting produced electricity from one time period to a later one. Due to this, multiple market equilibria may occur even if classical uniqueness assumptions for the case without storages are satisfied. For models containing storage operators, … Read more

Towards an efficient Augmented Lagrangian method for convex quadratic programming

Interior point methods have attracted most of the attention in the recent decades for solving large scale convex quadratic programming problems. In this paper we take a different route as we present an augmented Lagrangian method for convex quadratic programming based on recent developments for nonlinear programming. In our approach, box constraints are penalized while … Read more

The convex hull of a quadratic constraint over a polytope

A quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) is an optimization problem in which the objective function is a quadratic function and the feasible region is defined by quadratic constraints. Solving non-convex QCQP to global optimality is a well-known NP-hard problem and a traditional approach is to use convex relaxations and branch-and-bound algorithms. This paper makes a … Read more

Scoring positive semidefinite cutting planes for quadratic optimization via trained neural networks

Semidefinite programming relaxations complement polyhedral relaxations for quadratic optimization, but global optimization solvers built on polyhedral relaxations cannot fully exploit this advantage. This paper develops linear outer-approximations of semidefinite constraints that can be effectively integrated into global solvers. The difference from previous work is that our proposed cuts are (i) sparser with respect to the … Read more

A Scalable Algorithm for Sparse Portfolio Selection

The sparse portfolio selection problem is one of the most famous and frequently-studied problems in the optimization and financial economics literatures. In a universe of risky assets, the goal is to construct a portfolio with maximal expected return and minimum variance, subject to an upper bound on the number of positions, linear inequalities and minimum … Read more

On limited-memory quasi-Newton methods for minimizing a quadratic function

The main focus in this paper is exact linesearch methods for minimizing a quadratic function whose Hessian is positive definite. We give two classes of limited-memory quasi-Newton Hessian approximations that generate search directions parallel to those of the method of preconditioned conjugate gradients, and hence give finite termination on quadratic optimization problems. The Hessian approximations … Read more