A Vectorization Scheme for Nonconvex Set Optimization Problems

In this paper, we study a solution approach for set optimization problems with respect to the lower set less relation. This approach can serve as a base for numerically solving set optimization problems by using established solvers from multiobjective optimization. Our strategy consists of deriving a parametric family of multiobjective optimization problems whose optimal solution … Read more

A study of Liu-Storey conjugate gradient methods for vector optimization

This work presents a study of Liu-Storey (LS) nonlinear conjugate gradient (CG) methods to solve vector optimization problems. Three variants of the LS-CG method originally designed to solve single-objective problems are extended to the vector setting. The first algorithm restricts the LS conjugate parameter to be nonnegative and use a sufficiently accurate line search satisfying … Read more

An Upper Bound on the Hausdorff Distance Between a Pareto Set and its Discretization in Bi-Objective Convex Quadratic Optimization

We provide upper bounds on the Hausdorff distances between the efficient set and its discretization in the decision space, and between the Pareto set (also called the Pareto front) and its discretization in the objective space, in the context of bi-objective convex quadratic optimization on a compact feasible set. Our results imply that if t … Read more

Parallel Strategies for Direct Multisearch

Direct Multisearch (DMS) is a Derivative-free Optimization class of algorithms suited for computing approximations to the complete Pareto front of a given Multiobjective Optimization problem. It has a well-supported convergence analysis and simple implementations present a good numerical performance, both in academic test sets and in real applications. Recently, this numerical performance was improved with … Read more

A Multiobjective Approach for Sector Duration Optimization in Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatment Planning

Sector duration optimization (SDO) is a problem arising in treatment planning for stereotactic radiosurgery on Gamma Knife. Given a set of isocenter locations, SDO aims to select collimator size configurations and irradiation times thereof such that target tissues receive prescribed doses in a reasonable amount of treatment time, while healthy tissues nearby are spared. We … Read more

Limit sets in global multiobjective optimization

Inspired by the recently introduced branch-and-bound method for continuous multiobjective optimization problems from G. Eichfelder, P. Kirst, L. Meng, O. Stein, A general branch-and-bound framework for continuous global multiobjective optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, 80 (2021) 195-227, we study for a general class of branch-and-bound methods in which sense the generated terminal enclosure and the … Read more

A Fast and Robust Algorithm for Solving Biobjective Mixed Integer Programs

We present a fast and robust algorithm for solving biobjective mixed integer programs. The algorithm extends and merges ideas from two existing methods: the Boxed Line Method and the epsilon-Tabu Method. We demonstrate its efficacy in an extensive computational study. We also demonstrate that it is capable of producing a high-quality approximation of the nondominated … Read more

Solving set-valued optimization problems using a multiobjective approach

Set-valued optimization using the set approach is a research topic of high interest due to its practical relevance and numerous interdependencies to other fields of optimization. However, it is a very difficult task to solve these optimzation problems even for specific cases. In this paper we study set-valued optimization problems and develop a multiobjective optimization … Read more

A Steepest Descent Method for Set Optimization Problems with Set-Valued Mappings of Finite Cardinality

In this paper, we study a first-order solution method for a particular class of set optimization problems where the solution concept is given by the set approach. We consider the case in which the set-valued objective mapping is identified by a finite number of continuously differentiable selections. The corresponding set optimization problem is then equivalent … Read more

Twenty years of continuous multiobjective optimization in the twenty-first century

The survey highlights some of the research topics which have attracted attention in the last two decades within the area of mathematical optimization of multiple objective functions. We give insights into topics where a huge progress can be seen within the last years. We give short introductions to the specific sub-fields as well as some … Read more