A Dynamic Mobile Production Capacity and Inventory Control Problem

We analyze a problem of dynamic logistics planning given uncertain demands for a multi-location production-inventory system with transportable modular production capacity. In such systems, production modules provide capacity, and can be moved from one location to another to produce stock and satisfy demand. We formulate a dynamic programming model for a planning problem that considers … Read more

On the extension of the Hager-Zhang conjugate gradient method for vector optimization

The extension of the Hager-Zhang (HZ) nonlinear conjugate gradient method for vector optimization is discussed in the present research. In the scalar minimization case, this method generates descent directions whenever, for example, the line search satisfies the standard Wolfe conditions. We first show that, in general, the direct extension of the HZ method for vector … Read more

A Column and Constraint Algorithm for the Dynamic Knapsack Problem with Stochastic Item Sizes

We consider a version of the knapsack problem in which an item size is random and revealed only when the decision maker attempts to insert it. After every successful insertion the decision maker can choose the next item dynamically based on the remaining capacity and available items, while an unsuccessful insertion terminates the process. We … Read more

An Online-Learning Approach to Inverse Optimization

In this paper, we demonstrate how to learn the objective function of a decision-maker while only observing the problem input data and the decision-maker’s corresponding decisions over multiple rounds. Our approach is based on online learning and works for linear objectives over arbitrary feasible sets for which we have a linear optimization oracle. As such, … Read more

Performance indicators in multiobjective optimization

In recent years, the development of new algorithms for multiobjective optimization has considerably grown. A large number of performance indicators has been introduced to measure the quality of Pareto front approximations produced by these algorithms. In this work, we propose a review of a total of 63 performance indicators partitioned into four groups according to … Read more

PyMOSO: Software for Multi-Objective Simulation Optimization with R-PERLE and R-MinRLE

We present the PyMOSO software package for (1) solving multi-objective simulation optimization (MOSO) problems on integer lattices, and (2) implementing and testing new simulation optimization (SO) algorithms. First, for solving MOSO problems on integer lattices, PyMOSO implements R-PERLE, a state-of-the-art algorithm for two objectives, and R-MinRLE, a competitive benchmark algorithm for three or more objectives. … Read more

Assessing the Cost of the Hazard-Decision Simplification in Multistage Stochastic Hydrothermal Scheduling

Hydropower is one of the world’s primary renewable energy sources whose usage has profound economic, environmental, and social impacts. We focus on the dispatch of generating units and the storage policy of hydro resources. In this context, an accurate assessment of the water opportunity-cost is cru- cial for driving the sustainable use of this scarce … Read more

Approximations for Pareto and Proper Pareto solutions and their KKT conditions

There has been numerous amount of studies on proper Pareto points in multiobjective optimization theory. Geoffrion proper points are one of the most prevalent form of proper optimality. Due to some convergence issues a restricted version of these proper points, Geoffrion proper points with preset bounds has been introduced recently. Since solution of any algorithm … Read more

Nonmonotone line searches for unconstrained multiobjective optimization problems

In the last two decades, many descent methods for multiobjective optimization problems were proposed. In particular, the steepest descent and the Newton methods were studied for the unconstrained case. In both methods, the search directions are computed by solving convex subproblems, and the stepsizes are obtained by an Armijo-type line search. As a consequence, the … Read more

Risk averse stochastic programming: time consistency and optimal stopping

Bellman formulated a vague principle for optimization over time, which characterizes optimal policies by stating that a decision maker should not regret previous decisions retrospectively. This paper addresses time consistency in stochastic optimization. The problem is stated in generality first. The paper discusses time consistent decision-making by addressing risk measures which are recursive, nested, dynamically … Read more