Active Set-based Inexact Proximal Bundle Algorithm for Stochastic Quadratic Programming

In this paper, we examine two-stage stochastic quadratic programming problems, where the objective function of the first and second stages are quadratic functions, and the constraints are linear. The uncertainty is associated with the second-stage right-hand side and variable bounds. In large-scale settings, when the number of scenarios necessary to represent the underlying stochastic process … Read more

Noise-Tolerant Optimization Methods for the Solution of a Robust Design Problem

The development of nonlinear optimization algorithms capable of performing reliably in the presence of noise has garnered considerable attention lately. This paper advocates for strategies to create noise-tolerant nonlinear optimization algorithms by adapting classical deterministic methods. These adaptations follow certain design guidelines described here, which make use of estimates of the noise level in the … Read more

Alternate Training of Shared and Task-Specific Parameters for Multi-Task Neural Networks

This paper introduces novel alternate training procedures for hard-parameter sharing Multi-Task Neural Networks (MTNNs). Traditional MTNN training faces challenges in managing conflicting loss gradients, often yielding sub-optimal performance. The proposed alternate training method updates shared and task-specific weights alternately, exploiting the multi-head architecture of the model. This approach reduces computational costs, enhances training regularization, and … Read more

Adaptive Partitioning for Chance-Constrained Problems with Finite Support

This paper studies chance-constrained stochastic optimization problems with finite support. It presents an iterative method that solves reduced-size chance-constrained models obtained by partitioning the scenario set. Each reduced problem is constructed to yield a bound on the optimal value of the original problem. We show how to adapt the partitioning of the scenario set so … Read more

Handling of long-term storage in multi-horizon stochastic programs

This paper shows how to implement long-term storage in the multi-horizon modelling paradigm, expanding the range of problems this approach is applicable to. The presented implementation is based on the HyOpt optimization model, but the ideas should be transferable also to other models implementing the multi-horizon approach. We illustrate the effects of several different formulations … Read more

A two-stage stochastic programming approach incorporating spatially-explicit fire scenarios for optimal firebreak placement

Ensuring the effective placement of firebreaks across the landscape is a critical issue in wildfire prevention, as their success relies on their ability to block the spread of future fires. To address this challenge, it is essential to recognize the stochastic nature of fires, which are highly unpredictable from start to finish. The issue is … Read more

Hardness of pricing routes for two-stage stochastic vehicle routing problems with scenarios

The vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands (VRPSD) generalizes the classic vehicle routing problem by considering customer demands as random variables. Similarly to other vehicle routing variants, state-of-the-art algorithms for the VRPSD are often based on set-partitioning formulations, which require efficient routines for the associated pricing problems. However, all these set-partitioning-based approaches have strong assumptions … Read more

An optimally fast objective-function-free minimization algorithm using random subspaces

Article Download View An optimally fast objective-function-free minimization algorithm using random subspaces

Zeroth-order Riemannian Averaging Stochastic Approximation Algorithms

We present Zeroth-order Riemannian Averaging Stochastic Approximation (\texttt{Zo-RASA}) algorithms for stochastic optimization on Riemannian manifolds. We show that \texttt{Zo-RASA} achieves optimal sample complexities for generating $\epsilon$-approximation first-order stationary solutions using only one-sample or constant-order batches in each iteration. Our approach employs Riemannian moving-average stochastic gradient estimators, and a novel Riemannian-Lyapunov analysis technique for convergence analysis. … Read more