Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates via branch-and-cut

In this paper we study the Traveling Salesman Problem with release dates (TSP-rd) and completion time minimization. The TSP-rd considers a single vehicle and a set of customers that must be served exactly once with goods that arrive to the depot over time, during the planning horizon. The time at which each requested good arrives … Read more

Political districting to minimize cut edges

When constructing political districting plans, prominent criteria include population balance, contiguity, and compactness. The compactness of a districting plan, which is often judged by the “eyeball test,” has been quantified in many ways, e.g., Length-Width, Polsby-Popper, and Moment-of-Inertia. This paper considers the number of cut edges, which has recently gained traction in the redistricting literature … Read more

Maintenance Optimization of Wagons Mix

This work proposes to create a tool for support for cost reduction in wagon maintenance through the distribution of the annual plan in workshops. The distribution depends on the type of wagon, the scope of the maintenance service that each workshop serves, and the capacity that is supported by the workshops. This plan is a … Read more

A Strengthened Barvinok-Pataki Bound on SDP Rank

The Barvinok-Pataki bound provides an upper bound on the rank of extreme points of a spectrahedron. This bound depends solely on the number of affine constraints of the problem, i.e., on the algebra of the problem. Specifically, the triangular number of the rank r is upper bounded by the number of affine constraints. We revisit … Read more

Price Optimization with Practical Constraints

In this paper, we study a retailer price optimization problem which includes the practical constraints: maximum number of price changes and minimum amount of price change (if a change is recommended). We provide a closed-form formula for the Euclidean projection onto the feasible set defined by these two constraints, based on which a simple gradient … Read more

Market Integration of Behind-the-Meter Residential Energy Storage

A new business opportunity beckons with the emergence of prosumers. This article proposes an innovative business model to harness the potential of aggregating behind-the-meter residential storage in which the aggregator compensates participants for using their storage system on an on-demand basis. A bilevel optimization model is developed to evaluate the potential of this proposed business … Read more

Boole-Bonferroni Inequalities to Approximately Determine Optimal Arrangements

We consider the problem of laying out several objects in an equal number of pre-defined positions. Objects are allowed finitely many orientations, can overlap each other, and must be arranged contiguously. We are particularly interested in the case when the evaluation of the dimensions of the objects requires computational or physical effort. We develop a … Read more

A support tool for planning classrooms considering social distancing between students

In this paper, we present the online tool developed to assist the layout planning of classrooms considering the social distance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. We address both the allocation problem in rooms where seats are fixed as well as the problem in rooms where seats can be moved freely. For the … Read more

A Chance-Constrained Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands

Two-echelon distribution systems are often considered in city logistics to maintain economies of scale and satisfy the emission zone requirements in the cities. In this work, we formulate the two-echelon vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands as a chance-constrained stochastic optimization problem, where the total demand of the customers in each second-echelon route should fit … Read more

FrankWolfe.jl: a high-performance and flexible toolbox for Frank-Wolfe algorithms and Conditional Gradients

We present FrankWolfe.jl, an open-source implementation of several popular Frank-Wolfe and Conditional Gradients variants for first-order constrained optimization. The package is designed with flexibility and high-performance in mind, allowing for easy extension and relying on few assumptions regarding the user-provided functions. It supports Julia’s unique multiple dispatch feature, and interfaces smoothly with generic linear optimization … Read more