A Newton-CG Algorithm with Complexity Guarantees for Smooth Unconstrained Optimization

We consider minimization of a smooth nonconvex objective function using an iterative algorithm based on Newton’s method and linear conjugate gradient, with explicit detection and use of negative curvature directions for the Hessian of the objective function. The algorithm tracks Newton-conjugate gradient procedures developed in the 1980s closely, but includes enhancements that allow worst-case complexity … Read more

Outer Approximation for Integer Nonlinear Programs via Decision Diagrams

As an alternative to traditional integer programming (IP), decision diagrams (DDs) provide a new solution technology for discrete problems based on their combinatorial structure and dynamic programming representation. While the literature mainly focuses on the competitive aspects of DDs as a stand-alone solver, we investigate their complementary role by studying IP techniques that can be … Read more

Branch-Cut-and-Price for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Convex Node Costs

Two critical yet frequently conflicting objectives for logistics and transportation service companies are improving customer satisfaction and reducing transportation cost. In particular, given a net- work of customer requests with preferred service times, it is very challenging to find vehicle routes and service schedules simultaneously that respect all operating constraints and minimize the total transportation … Read more

A comparison of methods for traversing non-convex regions in optimization problems

This paper considers again the well-known problem of dealing with non-convex regions during the minimization of a nonlinear function F(x) by Newton-like methods. The proposal made here involves a curvilinear search along an approximation to the continuous steepest descent path defined by the solution of the ODE dx/dt = -grad F(x). The algorithm we develop … Read more

Exploring the Numerics of Branch-and-Cut for Mixed Integer Linear Optimization

We investigate how the numerical properties of the LP relaxations evolve throughout the solution procedure in a solver employing the branch-and-cut algorithm. The long-term goal of this work is to determine whether the effect on the numerical conditioning of the LP relaxations resulting from the branching and cutting operations can be effectively predicted and whether … Read more

An Improved Method of Total Variation Superiorization Applied to Reconstruction in Proton Computed Tomography

Previous work showed that total variation superiorization (TVS) improves reconstructed image quality in proton computed tomography (pCT). The structure of the TVS algorithm has evolved since then and this work investigated if this new algorithmic structure provides additional benefits to pCT image quality. Structural and parametric changes introduced to the original TVS algorithm included: (1) … Read more

Revisiting the Hamiltonian p-median problem: a new formulation on directed graphs and a branch-and-cut algorithm

This paper studies the Hamiltonian p-median problem defined on a directed graph, which consists of finding p mutually disjoint circuits of minimum total cost, such that each node of the graph is included in one of the circuits. Earlier formulations are based on viewing the problem as one resulting from the intersection of two subproblems. … Read more

SOS-Convex Lyapunov Functions and Stability of Difference Inclusions

We introduce the concept of sos-convex Lyapunov functions for stability analysis of both linear and nonlinear difference inclusions (also known as discrete-time switched systems). These are polynomial Lyapunov functions that have an algebraic certificate of convexity and that can be efficiently found via semidefinite programming. We prove that sos-convex Lyapunov functions are universal (i.e., necessary … Read more

On Algebraic Proofs of Stability for Homogeneous Vector Fields

We prove that if a homogeneous, continuously differentiable vector field is asymptotically stable, then it admits a Lyapunov function which is the ratio of two polynomials (i.e., a rational function). We further show that when the vector field is polynomial, the Lyapunov inequalities on both the rational function and its derivative have sum of squares … Read more

On stochastic auctions in risk-averse electricity markets with uncertain supply

This paper studies risk in a stochastic auction which facilitates the integration of renewable generation in electricity markets. We model market participants who are risk averse and reflect their risk aversion through coherent risk measures. We uncover a closed-form characterization of a risk-averse generator’s optimal pre-commitment behaviour for a given real-time policy, both with and … Read more