Mathematical models for Multi Container Loading Problems with practical constraints

We address the multi container loading problem of a company that has to serve its customers by first putting the products on pallets and then loading the pallets into trucks. We approach the problem by developing and solving integer linear models. To be useful in practice, our models consider three types of constraints: geometric constraints, … Read more

On the behavior of Lagrange multipliers in convex and non-convex infeasible interior point methods

This paper analyzes sequences generated by infeasible interior point methods. In convex and non-convex settings, we prove that moving the primal feasibility at the same rate as complementarity will ensure that the Lagrange multiplier sequence will remain bounded, provided the limit point of the primal sequence has a Lagrange multiplier, without constraint qualification assumptions. We … Read more

A deterministic algorithm for solving multistage stochastic programming problems

Multistage stochastic programming problems are an important class of optimisation problems, especially in energy planning and scheduling. These problems and their solution methods have been of particular interest to researchers in stochastic programming recently. Because of the large scenario trees that these problems induce, current solution methods require random sampling of the tree in order … Read more

Closed Almost Knight’s Tours on 2D and 3D Chessboards

Let a (generalized) chessboard in two or three dimensions be given. A closed knight’s tour is defined as a Hamiltonian cycle over all cells of the chessboard where all moves are knight’s moves, i.,e. have length 5^0.5. It is well-characterized for which chessboard sizes it is not possible to construct a closed knight’s tour. On … Read more

The Traveling Salesperson Problem with Forbidden Neighborhoods on Regular 3D Grids

We study the traveling salesperson problem with forbidden neighborhoods (TSPFN) on regular three-dimensional grids. The TSPFN asks for a shortest tour over all grid points such that successive points along a tour have at least some given distance. We present optimal solutions and explicit construction schemes for the Euclidean TSP and the TSPFN where edges … Read more

Self-concordant inclusions: A unified framework for path-following generalized Newton-type algorithms

We study a class of monotone inclusions called “self-concordant inclusion” which covers three fundamental convex optimization formulations as special cases. We develop a new generalized Newton-type framework to solve this inclusion. Our framework subsumes three schemes: full-step, damped-step and path-following methods as specific instances, while allows one to use inexact computation to form generalized Newton … Read more

Robust PageRank: Stationary Distribution on a Growing Network Structure

PageRank (PR) is a challenging and important network ranking algorithm, which plays a crucial role in information technologies and numerical analysis due to its huge dimension and wide range of possible applications. The traditional approach to PR goes back to the pioneering paper of S. Brin and L. Page, who developed the initial method in … Read more

Equivalences and Differences in Conic Relaxations of Combinatorial Quadratic Optimization Problems

Various conic relaxations of quadratic optimization problems in nonnega- tive variables for combinatorial optimization problems, such as the binary integer quadratic problem, quadratic assignment problem (QAP), and maximum stable set problem have been proposed over the years. The binary and complementarity conditions of the combi- natorial optimization problems can be expressed in several ways, each … Read more

Measuring axial symmetry in convex cones

The problem of measuring the degree of central symmetry of a convex body has been treated by various authors since the early twentieth century. This work addresses the issue of measuring the degree of axial symmetry of a convex cone. Passing from central symmetry in convex bodies to axial symmetry in convex cones is not … Read more

Facets of a mixed-integer bilinear covering set with bounds on variables

We derive a closed form description of the convex hull of mixed-integer bilinear covering set with bounds on the integer variables. This convex hull description is determined by considering some orthogonal disjunctive sets defined in a certain way. This description does not introduce any new variables, but consists of exponentially many inequalities. An extended formulation … Read more