On Generalization and Regularization via Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Optimization

Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization (DRO) has found success in operations research and machine learning applications as a powerful means to obtain solutions with favourable out-of-sample performances. Two compelling explanations for the success are the generalization bounds derived from Wasserstein DRO and the equivalency between Wasserstein DRO and the regularization scheme commonly applied in machine learning. … Read more

Handling Symmetries in Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programs

Symmetry handling is a key technique for reducing the running time of branch-and-bound methods for solving mixed-integer linear programs. In this paper, we generalize the notion of (permutation) symmetries to mixed-integer semidefinite programs (MISDPs). We first discuss how symmetries of MISDPs can be automatically detected by finding automorphisms of a suitably colored auxiliary graph. Then … Read more

Handling Sub-symmetry in Integer Programming using Activation Handlers

Symmetry in integer programs (IPs) can be exploited in order to reduce solving times. Usually only symmetries of the original IP are handled, but new symmetries may arise at some nodes of the branch-and-bound tree. While symmetry-handling inequalities (SHIs) can easily be used to handle original symmetries, handling sub-symmetries arising later on is more intricate. … Read more

Decremental State-Space Relaxations for the Basic Traveling Salesman Problem with a Drone

Truck-and-drone routing problems have become an important topic of research in the last decade due to their applications for last-mile deliveries. Despite the large number of publications in this area, the most efficient exact algorithms designed thus far struggle to solve the benchmark instances with 39 or more customers. This fact is true even for … Read more

On enhanced KKT optimality conditions for smooth nonlinear optimization

The Fritz-John (FJ) and KKT conditions are fundamental tools for characterizing minimizers and form the basis of almost all methods for constrained optimization. Since the seminal works of Fritz John, Karush, Kuhn and Tucker, FJ/KKT conditions have been enhanced by adding extra necessary conditions. Such an extension was initially proposed by Hestenes in the 1970s … Read more

CDOpt: A Python Package for a Class of Riemannian Optimization

Optimization over the embedded submanifold defined by constraints $c(x) = 0$ has attracted much interest over the past few decades due to its wide applications in various areas, including computer vision, signal processing, numerical linear algebra, and deep learning. Plenty of related optimization packages have been developed based on Riemannian optimization approaches, which rely on … Read more

Optimization of the first Dirichlet Laplacian eigenvalue with respect to a union of balls

The problem of minimizing the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian with respect to a union of m balls with fixed identical radii and variable centers in the plane is investigated in the present work. The existence of a minimizer is shown and the shape sensitivity analysis of the eigenvalue with respect to the centers’ … Read more

Computing the Completely Positive Factorization via Alternating Minimization

In this article, we propose a novel alternating minimization scheme for finding completely positive factorizations. In each iteration, our method splits the original factorization problem into two optimization subproblems, the first one being a orthogonal procrustes problem, which is taken over the orthogoal group, and the second one over the set of entrywise positive matrices. … Read more

Expected Value of Matrix Quadratic Forms with Wishart distributed Random Matrices

To explore the limits of a stochastic gradient method, it may be useful to consider an example consisting of an infinite number of quadratic functions. In this context, it is appropriate to determine the expected value and the covariance matrix of the stochastic noise, i.e. the difference of the true gradient and the approximated gradient … Read more

A Voronoi-Based Mixed-Integer Gauss-Newton Algorithm for MINLP Arising in Optimal Control

We present a new algorithm for addressing nonconvex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programs (MINLPs) where the cost function is of nonlinear least squares form. We exploit this structure by leveraging a Gauss-Newton quadratic approximation of the original MINLP, leading to the formulation of a Mixed-Integer Quadratic Program (MIQP), which can be solved efficiently. The integer solution of the … Read more