Small polygons with large area

A polygon is {\em small} if it has unit diameter. The maximal area of a small polygon with a fixed number of sides $n$ is not known when $n$ is even and $n\geq14$. We determine an improved lower bound for the maximal area of a small $n$-gon for this case. The improvement affects the $1/n^3$ … Read more

Efficient Use of Quantum Linear System Algorithms in Interior Point Methods for Linear Optimization

Quantum computing has attracted significant interest in the optimization community because it potentially can solve classes of optimization problems faster than conventional supercomputers. Several researchers proposed quantum computing methods, especially Quantum Interior Point Methods (QIPMs), to solve convex optimization problems, such as Linear Optimization, Semidefinite Optimization, and Second-order Cone Optimization problems. Most of them have … Read more

Exact SDP relaxations for quadratic programs with bipartite graph structures

For nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs), we first show that, under certain feasibility conditions, the standard semidefinite (SDP) relaxation is exact for QCQPs with bipartite graph structures. The exact optimal solutions are obtained by examining the dual SDP relaxation and the rank of the optimal solution of this dual SDP relaxation under strong duality. … Read more

Generalizations of doubly nonnegative cones and their comparison

In this study, we examine the various extensions of the doubly nonnegative (DNN) cone, frequently used in completely positive programming (CPP) to achieve a tighter relaxation than the positive semidefinite cone. To provide tighter relaxation for generalized CPP (GCPP) than the positive semidefinite cone, inner-approximation hierarchies of the generalized copositive cone are exploited to obtain … Read more

Accelerating nuclear-norm regularized low-rank matrix optimization through Burer-Monteiro decomposition

This work proposes a rapid algorithm, BM-Global, for nuclear-norm-regularized convex and low-rank matrix optimization problems. BM-Global efficiently decreases the objective value via low-cost steps leveraging the nonconvex but smooth Burer-Monteiro (BM) decomposition, while effectively escapes saddle points and spurious local minima ubiquitous in the BM form to obtain guarantees of fast convergence rates to the … Read more

Tight Probability Bounds with Pairwise Independence

\(\) While useful probability bounds for \(n\) pairwise independent Bernoulli random variables adding up to at least an integer \(k\) have been proposed in the literature, none of these bounds are tight in general. In this paper, we provide several results in this direction. Firstly, when \(k = 1\), the tightest upper bound on the … Read more

A nearly linearly convergent first-order method for nonsmooth functions with quadratic growth

Classical results show that gradient descent converges linearly to minimizers of smooth strongly convex functions. A natural question is whether there exists a locally nearly linearly convergent method for nonsmooth functions with quadratic growth. This work designs such a method for a wide class of nonsmooth and nonconvex locally Lipschitz functions, including max-of-smooth, Shapiro’s decomposable … Read more

Error Bound and Isocost Imply Linear Convergence of DCA-based Algorithms to D-stationarity

We consider a class of structured nonsmooth difference-of-convex minimization, which can be written as the difference of two convex functions possibly nonsmooth with the second one in the format of the maximum of a finite convex smooth functions. We propose two extrapolation proximal difference-of-convex based algorithms for potential acceleration to converge to a weak/standard d-stationary … Read more

An implicit function formulation for optimization of discretized index-1 differential algebraic systems

A formulation for the optimization of index-1 differential algebraic equation systems (DAEs) that uses implicit functions to remove algebraic variables and equations from the optimization problem is described. The formulation uses the implicit function theorem to calculate derivatives of functions that remain in the optimization problem in terms of a reduced space of variables, allowing … Read more

An Exact Approach for Solving Pickup-and-Delivery Traveling Salesman Problems with Neighborhoods

This paper studies a variant of the traveling salesman problem called the pickup-and-delivery traveling salesman problem with neighborhoods that combines traditional pickup and delivery requirements with the flexibility of visiting the customers at locations within compact neighborhoods of arbitrary shape. We derive two optimality conditions for the problem, a local condition that verifies whether a … Read more