Some theoretical limitations of second-order algorithms for smooth constrained optimization

In second-order algorithms, we investigate the relevance of the constant rank of the full set of active constraints in ensuring global convergence to a second-order stationary point. We show that second-order stationarity is not expected in the non-constant rank case if the growth of the so-called tangent multipliers, associated with a second-order complementarity measure, is … Read more

Generalized Symmetric ADMM for Separable Convex Optimization

The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) has been proved to be effective for solving separable convex optimization subject to linear constraints. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Symmetric ADMM (GS-ADMM), which updates the Lagrange multiplier twice with suitable stepsizes, to solve the multi-block separable convex programming. This GS-ADMM partitions the data into two … Read more

A second-order optimality condition with first- and second-order complementarity associated with global convergence of algorithms

We develop a new notion of second-order complementarity with respect to the tangent subspace related to second-order necessary optimality conditions by the introduction of so-called tangent multipliers. We prove that around a local minimizer, a second-order stationarity residual can be driven to zero while controlling the growth of Lagrange multipliers and tangent multipliers, which gives … Read more

A recursive semi-smooth Newton method for linear complementarity problems

A primal feasible active set method is presented for finding the unique solution of a Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP) with a P-matrix, which extends the globally convergent active set method for strictly convex quadratic problems with simple bounds proposed by [P. Hungerlaender and F. Rendl. A feasible active set method for strictly convex problems with … Read more

A New Trust Region Method with Simple Model for Large-Scale Optimization

In this paper a new trust region method with simple model for solving large-scale unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems is proposed. By using the generalized weak quasi-Newton equations, we derive several schemes to determine the appropriate scalar matrix as the Hessian approximation. Under some reasonable conditions and the framework of the trust-region method, the global convergence … Read more

Global convergence of a derivative-free inexact restoration filter algorithm for nonlinear programming

In this work we present an algorithm for solving constrained optimization problems that does not make explicit use of the objective function derivatives. The algorithm mixes an inexact restoration framework with filter techniques, where the forbidden regions can be given by the flat or slanting filter rule. Each iteration is decomposed in two independent phases: … Read more

Global Convergence of Unmodified 3-Block ADMM for a Class of Convex Minimization Problems

The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) has been successfully applied to solve structured convex optimization problems due to its superior practical performance. The convergence properties of the 2-block ADMM have been studied extensively in the literature. Specifically, it has been proven that the 2-block ADMM globally converges for any penalty parameter $\gamma>0$. In this … Read more

A corrected semi-proximal ADMM for multi-block convex optimization and its application to DNN-SDPs

In this paper we propose a corrected semi-proximal ADMM (alternating direction method of multipliers) for the general $p$-block $(p\!\ge 3)$ convex optimization problems with linear constraints, aiming to resolve the dilemma that almost all the existing modified versions of the directly extended ADMM, although with convergent guarantee, often perform substantially worse than the directly extended … Read more

A Parallel Evolution Strategy for an Earth Imaging Problem in Geophysics

In this paper we propose a new way to compute a warm starting point for a challenging global optimization problem related to Earth imaging in geophysics. The warm start consists of a velocity model that approximately solves a full-waveform inverse problem at low frequency. Our motivation arises from the availability of massively parallel computing platforms … Read more

A Trust Region Algorithm with a Worst-Case Iteration Complexity of ${\cal O}(\epsilon^{-3/2})$ for Nonconvex Optimization

We propose a trust region algorithm for solving nonconvex smooth optimization problems. For any $\bar\epsilon \in (0,\infty)$, the algorithm requires at most $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3/2})$ iterations, function evaluations, and derivative evaluations to drive the norm of the gradient of the objective function below any $\epsilon \in (0,\bar\epsilon]$. This improves upon the $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ bound known to hold for … Read more