Another pedagogy for mixed-integer Gomory

We present a version of GMI (Gomory mixed-integer) cuts in a way so that they are derived with respect to a “dual form” mixed-integer optimization problem and applied on the standard-form primal side as columns, using the primal simplex algorithm. This follows the general scheme of He and Lee, who did the case of Gomory … Read more

New Formulation and Strong MISOCP Relaxations for AC Optimal Transmission Switching Problem

As the modern transmission control and relay technologies evolve, transmission line switching has become an important option in power system operators’ toolkits to reduce operational cost and improve system reliability. Most recent research has relied on the DC approximation of the power flow model in the optimal transmission switching problem. However, it is known that … Read more

Solving MIPs via Scaling-based Augmentation

Augmentation methods for mixed-integer (linear) programs are a class of primal solution approaches in which a current iterate is augmented to a better solution or proved optimal. It is well known that the performance of these methods, i.e., number of iterations needed, can theoretically be improved by scaling methods. We extend these results by an … Read more

Constructing a Small Compact Binary Model for the Travelling Salesman Problem

A variety of formulations for the Travelling Salesman Problem as Mixed Integer Program have been proposed. They contain either non-binary variables or the number of constraints and variables is large. We want to give a new formulation that consists solely of binary variables; the number of variables and the number of constraints are of order … Read more

A Frank-Wolfe Based Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Mean-Risk Optimization

We present an exact algorithm for mean-risk optimization subject to a budget constraint, where decision variables may be continuous or integer. The risk is measured by the covariance matrix and weighted by an arbitrary monotone function, which allows to model risk-aversion in a very individual way. We address this class of convex mixed-integer minimization problems … Read more

BFO, a trainable derivative-free Brute Force Optimizer for nonlinear bound-constrained optimization and equilibrium computations with continuous and discrete variables

A direct-search derivative-free Matlab optimizer for bound-constrained problems is described, whose remarkable features are its ability to handle a mix of continuous and discrete variables, a versatile interface as well as a novel self-training option. Its performance compares favourably with that of NOMAD, a state-of-the art package. It is also applicable to multilevel equilibrium- or … Read more

Reoptimization Techniques for MIP Solvers

Recently, there have been many successful applications of optimization algorithms that solve a sequence of quite similar mixed-integer programs (MIPs) as subproblems. Traditionally, each problem in the sequence is solved from scratch. In this paper we consider reoptimization techniques that try to benefit from information obtained by solving previous problems of the sequence. We focus … Read more

Branch-and-Cut for Linear Programs with Overlapping SOS1 Constraints

SOS1 constraints require that at most one of a given set of variables is nonzero. In this article, we investigate a branch-and-cut algorithm to solve linear programs with SOS1 constraints. We focus on the case in which the SOS1 constraints overlap. The corresponding conflict graph can algorithmically be exploited, for instance, for improved branching rules, … Read more

Cutting planes from extended LP formulations

Given a mixed-integer set defined by linear inequalities and integrality requirements on some of the variables, we consider extended formulations of its continuous (LP) relaxation and study the effect of adding cutting planes in the extended space. In terms of optimization, extended LP formulations do not lead to better bounds as their projection onto the … Read more

Computational Optimization of Gas Compressor Stations: MINLP Models vs. Continuous Reformulations

When considering cost-optimal operation of gas transport networks, compressor stations play the most important role. Proper modeling of these stations leads to complicated mixed-integer nonlinear and nonconvex optimization problems. In this article, we give an isothermal and stationary description of compressor stations, state MINLP and GDP models for operating a single station, and discuss several … Read more