Worst-case analysis of clique MIPs

The usual integer programming formulation for the maximum clique problem has several undesirable properties, including a weak LP relaxation, a quadratic number of constraints and nonzeros when applied to sparse graphs, and poor guarantees on the number of branch-and-bound nodes needed to solve it. With this as motivation, we propose new mixed integer programs (MIPs) … Read more

First-order algorithms for robust optimization problems via convex-concave saddle-point Lagrangian reformulation

Robust optimization (RO) is one of the key paradigms for solving optimization problems affected by uncertainty. Two principal approaches for RO, the robust counterpart method and the adversarial approach, potentially lead to excessively large optimization problems. For that reason, first order approaches, based on online-convex-optimization, have been proposed (Ben-Tal et al. (2015), Kilinc-Karzan and Ho-Nguyen … Read more

Solving Multiplicative Programs by Binary-encoding the Multiplication Operation

Multiplicative programs in the form of maximization and/or minimization have numerous applications in conservation planning, game theory, and multi-objective optimization settings. In practice, multiplicative programs are challenging to solve because of their multiplicative objective function (a product of continuous or integer variables). These challenges are twofold: 1. As the number of factors in the objective … Read more

Random-Sampling Monte-Carlo Tree Search Methods for Cost Approximation in Long-Horizon Optimal Control

We develop Monte-Carlo based heuristic approaches to approximate the objective function in long horizon optimal control problems. In these approaches, to approximate the expectation operator in the objective function, we evolve the system state over multiple trajectories into the future while sampling the noise disturbances at each time-step, and find the average (or weighted average) … Read more

Dynamic string-averaging CQ-methods for the split feasibility problem with percentage violation constraints arising in radiation therapy treatment planning

We study a feasibility-seeking problem with percentage violation constraints. These are additional constraints, that are appended to an existing family of constraints, which single out certain subsets of the existing constraints and declare that up to a specified fraction of the number of constraints in each subset is allowed to be violated by up to … Read more

Distributionally robust second-order stochastic dominance constrained optimization with Wasserstein distance

We consider a distributionally robust second-order stochastic dominance constrained optimization problem. We require the dominance constraints hold with respect to all probability distributions in a Wasserstein ball centered at the empirical distribution. We adopt the sample approximation approach to develop a linear programming formulation that provides a lower bound. We propose a novel split-and-dual decomposition … Read more

The structure of conservative gradient fields

The classical Clarke subdifferential alone is inadequate for understanding automatic differentiation in nonsmooth contexts. Instead, we can sometimes rely on enlarged generalized gradients called “conservative fields”, defined through the natural path-wise chain rule: one application is the convergence analysis of gradient-based deep learning algorithms. In the semi-algebraic case, we show that all conservative fields are … Read more

Model-Free Assortment Pricing with Transaction Data

We study a problem in which a firm sets prices for products based on the transaction data, i.e., which product past customers chose from an assortment and what were the historical prices that they observed. Our approach does not impose a model on the distribution of the customers’ valuations and only assumes, instead, that purchase … Read more

An (s^r)hBcResolution ODE Framework for Understanding Discrete-Time Algorithms and Applications to the Linear Convergence of Minimax Problems

There has been a long history of using ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to understand the dynamic of discrete-time algorithms (DTAs). Surprisingly, there are still two fundamental and unanswered questions: (i) it is unclear how to obtain a \emph{suitable} ODE from a given DTA, and (ii) it is unclear the connection between the convergence of a … Read more

Efficient presolving methods for the influence maximization problem in social networks

We consider the influence maximization problem (IMP) which asks for identifying a limited number of key individuals to spread influence in a social network such that the expected number of influenced individuals is maximized. The stochastic maximal covering location problem (SMCLP) formulation is a mixed integer programming formulation that effectively approximates the IMP by the … Read more