BOBILib: Bilevel Optimization (Benchmark) Instance Library

In this report, we present the BOBILib, a collection of more than 2500~instances of mixed integer linear bilevel optimization problems. The goal of this library is to make a large and well-curated set of test instances freely available for the research community so that new and existing algorithms in bilevel optimization can be tested and … Read more

Heuristic Methods for Mixed-Integer, Linear, and Γ-Robust Bilevel Problems

Due to their nested structure, bilevel problems are intrinsically hard to solve–even if all variables are continuous and all parameters of the problem are exactly known. In this paper, we study mixed-integer linear bilevel problems with lower-level objective uncertainty, which we address using the notion of Γ-robustness. To tackle the Γ-robust counterpart of the bilevel … Read more

Using Disjunctive Cuts in a Branch-and-Cut Method to Solve Convex Integer Nonlinear Bilevel Problems

We present a branch-and-cut method for solving convex integer nonlinear bilevel problems, i.e., bilevel models with nonlinear but convex objective functions and constraints in both the upper and the lower level. To this end, we generalize the idea of using disjunctive cuts to cut off integer-feasible but bilevel-infeasible points. These cuts can be obtained by … Read more

A Brief Introduction to Robust Bilevel Optimization

Bilevel optimization is a powerful tool for modeling hierarchical decision making processes. However, the resulting problems are challenging to solve – both in theory and practice. Fortunately, there have been significant algorithmic advances in the field so that we can solve much larger and also more complicated problems today compared to what was possible to … Read more

A Survey on Bilevel Optimization Under Uncertainty

Bilevel optimization is a very active field of applied mathematics. The main reason is that bilevel optimization problems can serve as a powerful tool for modeling hierarchical decision making processes. This ability, however, also makes the resulting problems challenging to solve—both in theory and practice. Fortunately, there have been significant algorithmic advances in the field … Read more

The impact of passive social media viewers in influence maximization

A frequently studied problem in the context of digital marketing for online social networks is the influence maximization problem that seeks for an initial seed set of influencers to trigger an information propagation cascade (in terms of active message forwarders) of expected maximum impact. Previously studied problems typically neglect that the probability that individuals passively … Read more

Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: A Strategic Planning Approach

We study a delivery strategy for last-mile deliveries in urban areas which combines freight transportation with mass mobility systems with the goal of creating synergies contrasting negative externalities caused by transportation. The idea is to use the residual capacity on public transport means for moving freights within the city. In particular, the system is such … Read more

Exact Methods for Discrete Γ-Robust Interdiction Problems with an Application to the Bilevel Knapsack Problem

Developing solution methods for discrete bilevel problems is known to be a challenging task – even if all parameters of the problem are exactly known. Many real-world applications of bilevel optimization, however, involve data uncertainty. We study discrete min-max problems with a follower who faces uncertainties regarding the parameters of the lower-level problem. Adopting a … Read more

A tailored Benders decomposition approach for last-mile delivery with autonomous robots

This work addresses an operational problem of a logistics service provider that consists of finding an optimal route for a vehicle carrying customer parcels from a central depot to selected facilities, from where autonomous devices like robots are launched to perform last-mile deliveries. The objective is to minimize a tardiness indicator based on the customer … Read more

A Survey on Mixed-Integer Programming Techniques in Bilevel Optimization

Bilevel optimization is a field of mathematical programming in which some variables are constrained to be the solution of another optimization problem. As a consequence, bilevel optimization is able to model hierarchical decision processes. This is appealing for modeling real-world problems, but it also makes the resulting optimization models hard to solve in theory and … Read more