Parallel Approximation, and Integer Programming Reformulation

We analyze two integer programming reformulations of the n-dimensional knapsack feasibility problem without assuming any structure on the weight vector $a.$ Both reformulations have a constraint matrix in which the columns form a reduced basis in the sense of Lenstra, Lenstra, and Lov\’asz. The nullspace reformulation of Aardal, Hurkens and Lenstra has n-1 variables, and … Read more

Block-diagonal semidefinite programming hierarchies for 0/1 programming

Lovasz and Schrijver, and later Lasserre, proposed hierarchies of semidefinite programming relaxations for general 0/1 linear programming problems. In this paper these two constructions are revisited and a new, block-diagonal hierarchy is proposed. It has the advantage of being computationally less costly while being at least as strong as the Lovasz-Schrijver hierarchy. It is applied … Read more

On semidefinite programming relaxations of the traveling salesman problem

We consider a new semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation of the symmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP), obtained via an SDP relaxation of the more general quadratic assignment problem (QAP). We show that the new relaxation dominates the one in the paper: [D. Cvetkovic, M. Cangalovic and V. Kovacevic-Vucic. Semidefinite Programming Methods for the Symmetric Traveling Salesman … Read more

Polymatroids and Mean-Risk Minimization in Discrete Optimization

In financial markets high levels of risk are associated with large returns as well as large losses, whereas with lower levels of risk, the potential for either return or loss is small. Therefore, risk management is fundamentally concerned with finding an optimal trade-off between risk and return matching an investor’s risk tolerance. Managing risk is … Read more

Exact Algorithms for the Quadratic Linear Ordering Problem

The quadratic linear ordering problem naturally generalizes various optimization problems, such as bipartite crossing minimization or the betweenness problem, which includes linear arrangement. These problems have important applications in, e.g., automatic graph drawing and computational biology. We present a new polyhedral approach to the quadratic linear ordering problem that is based on a linearization of … Read more

A simple exact separation algorithm for 2-matching inequalities.

In this work we present an exact separation algorithm for the so called co-circuit inequalities, otherwise known as parity or 2-matching inequalities. The algorithm is quite simple since it operates on the tree of min-cuts of the support graph of the solution to separate, relative to an ad hoc capacity vector. The order of our … Read more

On linear infeasibility arising in intensity-modulated radiation therapy inverse planning

Intensity–modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) gives rise to systems of linear inequalities, representing the effects of radiation on the irradiated body. These systems are often infeasible, in which case one settles for an approximate solution, such as an {a,ß}–relaxation, meaning that no more than a percent of the inequalities are violated by no more than ß … Read more

On the integrality of the uncapacitated facility location polytope

We study a system of linear inequalities associated with the uncapacitated facility location problem. We show that this system defines a polytope with integer extreme points if and only if the graph does not contain a certain type of odd cycles. We also derive odd cycle inequalities and give a separation algorithm. Article Download View … Read more

A new, solvable, primal relaxation for nonlinear integer programming problems with linear constraints

This paper describes a new primal relaxation for nonlinear integer programming problems with linear constraints. This relaxation, contrary to the standard Lagrangean relaxation, can be solved efficiently. It requires the solution of a nonlinear penalized problem whose linear constraint set is known only implicitly, but whose solution is made possible by the use of a … Read more

The continuous d-step conjecture for polytopes

The curvature of a polytope, defined as the largest possible total curvature of the associated central path, can be regarded as the continuous analogue of its diameter. We prove the analogue of the result of Klee and Walkup. Namely, we show that if the order of the curvature is less than the dimension $d$ for … Read more