Optimal Learning for Structured Bandits

We study structured multi-armed bandits, which is the problem of online decision-making under uncertainty in the presence of structural information. In this problem, the decision-maker needs to discover the best course of action despite observing only uncertain rewards over time. The decision- maker is aware of certain structural information regarding the reward distributions and would … Read more

On semi-infinite systems of convex polynomial inequalities and polynomial optimization problems

We consider the semi-infinite system of polynomial inequalities of the form \[ \mathbf{K}:=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^m\mid p(x,y)\ge 0,\ \ \forall y\in S\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n\}, \] where $p(X,Y)$ is a real polynomial in the variables $X$ and the parameters $Y$, the index set $S$ is a basic semialgebraic set in $\mathbb{R}^n$, $-p(X,y)$ is convex in $X$ for every $y\in S$. We … Read more

Volumetric barrier decomposition algorithms for two-stage stochastic linear semi-infinite programming

In this paper, we study the two-stage stochastic linear semi-infinite programming with recourse to handle uncertainty in data defining (deterministic) linear semi-infinite programming. We develop and analyze volumetric barrier decomposition-based interior point methods for solving this class of optimization problems, and present a complexity analysis of the proposed algorithms. We establish our convergence analysis by … Read more

An oracle-based projection and rescaling algorithm for linear semi-infinite feasibility problems and its application to SDP and SOCP

We point out that Chubanov’s oracle-based algorithm for linear programming [5] can be applied almost as it is to linear semi-infinite programming (LSIP). In this note, we describe the details and prove the polynomial complexity of the algorithm based on the real computation model proposed by Blum, Shub and Smale (the BSS model) which is … Read more

Robust-to-Dynamics Optimization

A robust-to-dynamics optimization (RDO) problem} is an optimization problem specified by two pieces of input: (i) a mathematical program (an objective function $f:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ and a feasible set $\Omega\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n$), and (ii) a dynamical system (a map $g:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^n$). Its goal is to minimize $f$ over the set $\mathcal{S}\subseteq\Omega$ of initial conditions that forever remain in $\Omega$ under … Read more

Discretization-based algorithms for generalized semi-infinite and bilevel programs with coupling equality constraints

Discretization-based algorithms are proposed for the global solution of mixed-integer nonlinear generalized semi-infinite (GSIP) and bilevel (BLP) programs with lower-level equality constraints coupling the lower and upper level. The algorithms are extensions, respectively, of the algorithm proposed by Mitsos and Tsoukalas (J Glob Optim 61(1):1–17, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10898-014-0146-6) and by Mitsos (J Glob Optim 47(4):557–582, 2010. … Read more

A transformation-based discretization method for solving general semi-infinite optimization problems

Discretization methods are commonly used for solving standard semi-infinite optimization (SIP) problems. The transfer of these methods to the case of general semi-infinite optimization (GSIP) problems is difficult due to the $x$-dependence of the infinite index set. On the other hand, under suitable conditions, a GSIP problem can be transformed into a SIP problem. In … Read more

Revisiting Approximate Linear Programming Using a Saddle Point Approach

Approximate linear programs (ALPs) are well-known models for computing value function approximations (VFAs) of intractable Markov decision processes (MDPs) arising in applications. VFAs from ALPs have desirable theoretical properties, define an operating policy, and provide a lower bound on the optimal policy cost, which can be used to assess the suboptimality of heuristic policies. However, … Read more

Decomposition Algorithms for Distributionally Robust Optimization using Wasserstein Metric

We study distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems where the ambiguity set is de ned using the Wasserstein metric. We show that this class of DRO problems can be reformulated as semi-in nite programs. We give an exchange method to solve the reformulated problem for the general nonlinear model, and a central cutting-surface method for the convex case, … Read more

Optimal scenario generation and reduction in stochastic programming

Scenarios are indispensable ingredients for the numerical solution of stochastic optimization problems. Earlier approaches for optimal scenario generation and reduction are based on stability arguments involving distances of probability measures. In this paper we review those ideas and suggest to make use of stability estimates based on distances containing minimal information, i.e., on data appearing … Read more