A Branch-and-Cut Algorithm based on Semidefinite Programming for the Minimum k-Partition Problem

The minimum k-partition (MkP) problem is the problem of partitioning the set of vertices of a graph into k disjoint subsets so as to minimize the total weight of the edges joining vertices in the same partition. The main contribution of this paper is the design and implementation of a branch-and-cut algorithm based on semidefinite … Read more

Guaranteed Minimum-Rank Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations via Nuclear Norm Minimization

The affine rank minimization problem consists of finding a matrix of minimum rank that satisfies a given system of linear equality constraints. Such problems have appeared in the literature of a diverse set of fields including system identification and control, Euclidean embedding, and collaborative filtering. Although specific instances can often be solved with specialized algorithms, … Read more

Symmetry in semidefinite programs

This paper is a tutorial in a general and explicit procedure to simplify semidefinite programming problems which are invariant under the action of a group. The procedure is based on basic notions of representation theory of finite groups. As an example we derive the block diagonalization of the Terwilliger algebra in this framework. Here its … Read more

Semidefinite Representation of Convex Sets

Let $S =\{x\in \re^n:\, g_1(x)\geq 0, \cdots, g_m(x)\geq 0\}$ be a semialgebraic set defined by multivariate polynomials $g_i(x)$. Assume $S$ is convex, compact and has nonempty interior. Let $S_i =\{x\in \re^n:\, g_i(x)\geq 0\}$, and $\bdS$ (resp. $\bdS_i$) be the boundary of $S$ (resp. $S_i$). This paper, as does the subject of semidefinite programming (SDP), concerns … Read more

Exploiting group symmetry in semidefinite programming relaxations of the quadratic assignment problem

We consider semidefinite programming relaxations of the quadratic assignment problem, and show how to exploit group symmetry in the problem data. Thus we are able to compute the best known lower bounds for several instances of quadratic assignment problems from the problem library: [R.E. Burkard, S.E. Karisch, F. Rendl. QAPLIB – a quadratic assignment problem … Read more

On the Extension of a Mehrotra-Type Algorithm for Semidefinite Optimization

It has been shown in various papers that most interior-point algorithms and their analysis can be generalized to semidefinite optimization. This paper presents an extension of the recent variant of Mehrotra’s predictor-corrector algorithm that was proposed by Salahi et al. (2005) for linear optimization problems. Based on the NT (Nesterov and Todd 1997) direction as … Read more

Solving Max-Cut to Optimality by Intersecting Semidefinite and Polyhedral Relaxations

In this paper we present a method for finding exact solutions of Max-Cut, the problem of finding a cut of maximum weight in a weighted graph. We use a Branch-and-Bound setting, that applies a dynamic version of the bundle method as bounding procedure. This approach uses Lagrangian duality to obtain a “nearly optimal” solution of … Read more

Semidefinite Programming versus the Reformulation-Linearization Technique for Nonconvex Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming

We consider relaxations for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming (QCQP) based on semidefinite programming (SDP) and the reformulation-linearization technique (RLT). From a theoretical standpoint we show that the addition of a semidefiniteness condition removes a substantial portion of the feasible region corresponding to product terms in the RLT relaxation. On test problems we show that … Read more

Gap, cosum, and product properties of the $\theta’$ bound on the clique number

In a paper published 1978, McEliece, Rodemich and Rumsey improved Lov\’asz’ bound for the Maximum Clique Problem. This strengthening has become well-known under the name Lov\’asz-Schrijver bound and is usually denoted by $\theta’$. This article now deals with situations where this bound is not exact. To provide instances for which the gap between this bound … Read more

Exploiting group symmetry in truss topology optimization

We consider semidefinite programming (SDP) formulations of certain truss topology optimization problems, where a lower bound is imposed on the fundamental frequency of vibration of the truss structure. These SDP formulations were introduced in: [M. Ohsaki, K. Fujisawa, N. Katoh and Y. Kanno, Semi-definite programming for topology optimization of trusses under multiple eigenvalue constraints, Comp. … Read more