Inexact Sequential Quadratic Optimization for Minimizing a Stochastic Objective Function Subject to Deterministic Nonlinear Equality Constraints

An algorithm is proposed, analyzed, and tested experimentally for solving stochastic optimization problems in which the decision variables are constrained to satisfy equations defined by deterministic, smooth, and nonlinear functions. It is assumed that constraint function and derivative values can be computed, but that only stochastic approximations are available for the objective function and its … Read more

An Efficient Retraction Mapping for the Symplectic Stiefel Manifold

This article introduces a new retraction on the symplectic Stiefel manifold. The operation that requires the highest computational cost to compute the novel retraction is a matrix inversion of size $2p$–by–$2p$, which is much less expensive than those required for the available retractions in the literature. Later, with the new retraction, we design a constraint … Read more

A Stochastic Sequential Quadratic Optimization Algorithm for Nonlinear Equality Constrained Optimization with Rank-Deficient Jacobians

A sequential quadratic optimization algorithm is proposed for solving smooth nonlinear equality constrained optimization problems in which the objective function is defined by an expectation of a stochastic function. The algorithmic structure of the proposed method is based on a step decomposition strategy that is known in the literature to be widely effective in practice, … Read more

Cardinality Minimization, Constraints, and Regularization: A Survey

We survey optimization problems that involve the cardinality of variable vectors in constraints or the objective function. We provide a unified viewpoint on the general problem classes and models, and give concrete examples from diverse application fields such as signal and image processing, portfolio selection, or machine learning. The paper discusses general-purpose modeling techniques and … Read more

Sequential constant rank constraint qualifications for nonlinear semidefinite programming with applications

We present new constraint qualification conditions for nonlinear semidefinite programming that extend some of the constant rank-type conditions from nonlinear programming. As an application of these conditions, we provide a unified global convergence proof of a class of algorithms to stationary points without assuming neither uniqueness of the Lagrange multiplier nor boundedness of the Lagrange … Read more

Nonconvex Equilibrium Models for Energy Markets: Exploiting Price Information to Determine the Existence of an Equilibrium

Motivated by examples from the energy sector, we consider market equilibrium problems (MEPs) involving players with nonconvex strategy spaces or objective functions, where the latter are assumed to be linear in market prices. We propose an algorithm that determines if an equilibrium of such an MEP exists and that computes an equilibrium in case of … Read more

Proximal Point Algorithm on the Stiefel Manifold

In this paper, we consider the problem of minimizing a continuously differentiable function on the Stiefel manifold. To solve this problem, we develop a geodesic-free proximal point algorithm, which does not require the use of the Riemannian distance. The proposed method can be regarded as an iterative fixed-point method, which repeatedly applies a proximal operator … Read more


This paper concerns the issue of asymptotic acceptance of the true Hessian and the full step by the sequential quadratic programming algorithm for equality-constrained optimization problems. In order to enforce global convergence, the algorithm is equipped with a standard Armijo linesearch procedure for a nonsmooth exact penalty function. The specificity of considerations here is that … Read more

Homogeneous polynomials and spurious local minima on the unit sphere

We consider degree-d forms on the Euclidean unit sphere. We specialize to our setting a genericity result by Nie obtained in a more general framework. We exhibit an homogeneous polynomial Res in the coefficients of f, such that if Res(f) is not zero then all points that satisfy first- and second-order necessary optimality conditions are … Read more

A globally trust-region LP-Newton method for nonsmooth functions under the Hölder metric subregularity

We describe and analyse a globally convergent algorithm to find a possible nonisolated zero of a piecewise smooth mapping over a polyhedral set, such formulation includes Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) systems, variational inequalities problems, and generalized Nash equilibrium problems. Our algorithm is based on a modification of the fast locally convergent Linear Programming (LP)-Newton method with a … Read more