Alternate Training of Shared and Task-Specific Parameters for Multi-Task Neural Networks

This paper introduces novel alternate training procedures for hard-parameter sharing Multi-Task Neural Networks (MTNNs). Traditional MTNN training faces challenges in managing conflicting loss gradients, often yielding sub-optimal performance. The proposed alternate training method updates shared and task-specific weights alternately, exploiting the multi-head architecture of the model. This approach reduces computational costs, enhances training regularization, and … Read more

A relaxed quasinormality condition and the boundedness of dual augmented Lagrangian sequences

Global convergence of augmented Lagrangian methods to a first-order stationary point is well-known to hold under considerably weak constraint qualifications. In particular, several constant rank-type conditions have been introduced for this purpose which turned out to be relevant also beyond this scope. In this paper we show that in fact under these conditions the sequence … Read more

A Family of Spanning-Tree Formulations for the Maximum Cut Problem

We present a family of integer programming formulations for the maximum cut problem. These formulations encode the incidence vectors of the cuts of a connected graph by employing a subset of the odd-cycle inequalities that relate to a spanning tree, and they require only the corresponding edge variables to be integral explicitly. They so describe … Read more

QUBO Dual Bounds via SDP Plane Projection Method

In this paper, we present a new method to solve a certain type of Semidefinite Programming (SDP) problems. These types of SDPs naturally arise in the Quadratic Convex Reformulation (QCR) method and can be used to obtain dual bounds of Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems. QUBO problems have recently become the focus of attention … Read more

An Exceptionally Difficult Binary Quadratic Optimization Problem with Symmetry: a Challenge for The Largest Unsolved QAP Instance Tai256c

Tai256c is the largest unsolved quadratic assignment problem (QAP) instance in QAPLIB. It is known that QAP tai256c can be converted into a 256 dimensional binary quadratic optimization problem (BQOP) with a single cardinality constraint which requires the sum of the binary variables to be 92. As the BQOP is much simpler than the original … Read more

Hierarchically constrained multi-fidelity blackbox optimization

This work introduces a novel multi-fidelity blackbox optimization algorithm designed to alleviate the resource-intensive task of evaluating infeasible points. This algorithm is an intermediary component bridging a direct search solver and a blackbox, resulting in reduced computation time per evaluation, all while preserving the efficiency and convergence properties of the chosen solver. This is made … Read more

Doubly stochastic primal dual splitting algorithm with variance reduction for saddle point problems

The (structured) saddle-point problem involving the infimal convolution in real Hilbert spaces finds applicability in many applied mathematics disciplines. For this purpose, we develop a stochastic primal-dual splitting (PDS) algorithm with loopless variance-reduction (VR) for solving this generic problem. A PDS algorithm aims to overcome the well-known shortcomings of common splitting methods by solving the … Read more

Singular value half thresholding algorithm for lp regularized matrix optimization problems

In this paper, we study the low-rank matrix optimization problem, where the penalty term is the $\ell_p~(0<p<1)$ regularization. Inspired by the good performance of half thresholding function in sparse/low-rank recovery problems, we propose a singular value half thresholding (SVHT) algorithm to solve the $\ell_p$ regularized matrix optimization problem. The main iteration in SVHT algorithm makes … Read more

Near-optimal closed-loop method via Lyapunov damping for convex optimization

We introduce an autonomous system with closed-loop damping for first-order convex optimization. While, to this day, optimal rates of convergence are only achieved by non-autonomous methods via open-loop damping (e.g., Nesterov’s algorithm), we show that our system is the first one featuring a closed-loop damping while exhibiting a rate arbitrarily close to the optimal one. … Read more

An outer approximation method for solving mixed-integer convex quadratic programs with indicators

Mixed-integer convex quadratic programs with indicator variables (MIQP) encompass a wide range of applications, from statistical learning to energy, finance, and logistics. The outer approximation (OA) algorithm has been proven efficient in solving MIQP, and the key to the success of an OA algorithm is the strength of the cutting planes employed. In this paper, … Read more