Invex Optimization Revisited

Given a non-convex optimization problem, we study conditions under which every Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point is a global optimizer. This property is known as KT-invexity and allows to identify the subset of problems where an interior point method always converges to a global optimizer. In this work, we provide necessary conditions for KT-invexity in n-dimensions and … Read more

Behavior of accelerated gradient methods near critical points of nonconvex functions

We examine the behavior of accelerated gradient methods in smooth nonconvex unconstrained optimization, focusing in particular on their behavior near strict saddle points. Accelerated methods are iterative methods that typically step along a direction that is a linear combination of the previous step and the gradient of the function evaluated at a point at or … Read more

Simplex QP-based methods for minimizing a conic quadratic objective over polyhedra

We consider minimizing a conic quadratic objective over a polyhedron. Such problems arise in parametric value-at-risk minimization, portfolio optimization, and robust optimization with ellipsoidal objective uncertainty; and they can be solved by polynomial interior point algorithms for conic quadratic optimization. However, interior point algorithms are not well-suited for branch-and-bound algorithms for the discrete counterparts of … Read more

SDP-based Branch-and-Bound for Non-convex Quadratic Integer Optimization

Semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations have been intensively used for solving discrete quadratic optimization problems, in particular in the binary case. For the general non-convex integer case with box constraints, the branch-and-bound algorithm Q-MIST has been proposed [11], which is based on an extension of the well-known SDP-relaxation for max-cut. For solving the resulting SDPs, Q-MIST … Read more

New quasi-Newton method for solving systems of nonlinear equations

In this report, we propose the new Broyden method for solving systems of nonlinear equations, which uses the first derivatives, but it is more efficient than the Newton method (measured by the computational time) for larger dense systems. The new method updates QR decompositions of nonsymmetric approximations of the Jacobian matrix, so it requires $O(n^2)$ … Read more

Properties of the block BFGS update and its application to the limited-memory block BNS method for unconstrained minimization.

A block version of the BFGS variable metric update formula and its modifications are investigated. In spite of the fact that this formula satisfies the quasi-Newton conditions with all used difference vectors and that the improvement of convergence is the best one in some sense for quadratic objective functions, for general functions it does not … Read more

New algorithms for discrete vector optimization based on the Graef-Younes method and cone-monotone sorting functions

The well-known Jahn-Graef-Younes algorithm, proposed by Jahn in 2006, generates all minimal elements of a finite set with respect to an ordering cone. It consists of two Graef-Younes procedures, namely the forward iteration, which eliminates a part of the non-minimal elements, followed by the backward iteration, which is applied to the reduced set generated by … Read more

A Line-Search Algorithm Inspired by the Adaptive Cubic Regularization Framework and Complexity Analysis

Adaptive regularized framework using cubics has emerged as an alternative to line-search and trust-region algorithms for smooth nonconvex optimization, with an optimal complexity amongst second-order methods. In this paper, we propose and analyze the use of an iteration dependent scaled norm in the adaptive regularized framework using cubics. Within such scaled norm, the obtained method … Read more

A Levenberg-Marquardt method for large nonlinear least-squares problems with dynamic accuracy in functions and gradients

In this paper we consider large scale nonlinear least-squares problems for which function and gradient are evaluated with dynamic accuracy and propose a Levenberg-Marquardt method for solving such problems. More precisely, we consider the case in which the exact function to optimize is not available or its evaluation is computationally demanding, but ap- proximations of … Read more

Incorporating Black-Litterman Views in Portfolio Construction when Stock Returns are a Mixture of Normals

In this paper, we consider the basic problem of portfolio construction in financial engineering, and analyze how market-based and analytical approaches can be combined to obtain efficient portfolios. As a first step in our analysis, we model the asset returns as a random variable distributed according to a mixture of normal random variables. We then … Read more