Lexicographic Branch-and-Bound Column Search

We present an exact generic method for solving the pricing problem in a column generation approach, which we call branch-and-bound column search. It searches the space of all feasible columns via a branch-and-bound tree search and returns all columns with a reduced-cost value below a certainthreshold. The approach is based on an idea from Krumke … Read more

The Analytics of Robust Satisficing: Predict, Optimize, Satisfice, then Fortify

We introduce a novel approach to prescriptive analytics that leverages robust satisficing techniques to determine optimal decisions in situations of risk ambiguity and prediction uncertainty. Our decision model relies on a reward function that incorporates uncertain parameters, which can be partially predicted using available side information. However, the accuracy of the linear prediction model depends … Read more

Accelerated first-order methods for a class of semidefinite programs

This paper introduces a new storage-optimal first-order method (FOM), CertSDP, for solving a special class of semidefinite programs (SDPs) to high accuracy. The class of SDPs that we consider, the exact QMP-like SDPs , is characterized by low-rank solutions, a priori knowledge of the restriction of the SDP solution to a small subspace, and standard … Read more

Primal-dual extrapolation methods for monotone inclusions under local Lipschitz continuity with applications to variational inequality, conic constrained saddle point, and convex conic optimization problems

In this paper we consider a class of structured monotone inclusion (MI) problems that consist of finding a zero in the sum of two monotone operators, in which one is maximal monotone while another is locally Lipschitz continuous. In particular, we first propose a primal-dual extrapolation (PDE) method for solving a structured strongly MI problem … Read more

Accelerated first-order methods for convex optimization with locally Lipschitz continuous gradient

In this paper we develop accelerated first-order methods for convex optimization with locally Lipschitz continuous gradient (LLCG), which is beyond the well-studied class of convex optimization with Lipschitz continuous gradient. In particular, we first consider unconstrained convex optimization with LLCG and propose accelerated proximal gradient (APG) methods for solving it. The proposed APG methods are … Read more

On Approximations of Data-Driven Chance Constrained Programs over Wasserstein Balls

Distributionally robust chance constrained programs minimize a deterministic cost function subject to the satisfaction of one or more safety conditions with high probability, given that the probability distribution of the uncertain problem parameters affecting the safety condition(s) is only known to belong to some ambiguity set. We study two popular approximation schemes for distributionally robust … Read more

Dual solutions in convex stochastic optimization

This paper studies duality and optimality conditions for general convex stochastic optimization problems. The main result gives sufficient conditions for the absence of a duality gap and the existence of dual solutions in a locally convex space of random variables. It implies, in particular, the necessity of scenario-wise optimality conditions that are behind many fundamental … Read more

Solving large-scale unit-commitment problems using dual dynamic programming and open-source solvers

The astonishing dimensions and complexity of power systems render them impossible to be managed without the help of cutting-edge software. Due to a lack of scalable, reliable and well documented free and open-source solutions, system operators, regulators, and government agencies often rely on proprietary software to provide them information that ultimately will be used to … Read more

Data Envelopment Analysis of two-stage processes: An alternative (non-conventional) approach

Network data envelopment analysis (NDEA) is an extension of standard data envelopment analysis that models the efficiency assessment of DMUs by considering their internal structure. While in standard DEA the DMU is regarded as a single process, in NDEA the DMU is viewed as a network of interconnected sub-processes (stages, divisions), where the flow of … Read more

Metrizing Fairness

We study supervised learning problems for predicting properties of individuals who belong to one of two demographic groups, and we seek predictors that are fair according to statistical parity. This means that the distributions of the predictions within the two groups should be close with respect to the Kolmogorov distance, and fairness is achieved by … Read more