A Stable Iterative Method for Linear Programming

This paper studies a new primal-dual interior/exterior-point method for linear programming. We begin with the usual perturbed primal-dual optimality equations $F_\mu(x,y,z)=0$. Under nondegeneracy assumptions, this nonlinear system is well-posed, i.e. it has a nonsingular Jacobian at optimality and is not necessarily ill-conditioned as the iterates approach optimality. We use a simple preprocessing step to eliminate … Read more

On complexity of stochastic programming problems

The main focus of this paper is discussion of complexity of stochastic programming problems. We argue that two-stage (linear) stochastic programming problems with recourse can be solved with a reasonable accuracy by using Monte Carlo sampling techniques, while multi-stage stochastic programs, in general, are intractable. We also discuss complexity of chance constrained problems and multi-stage … Read more

An Improved Algorithm for Biobjective Integer Programs

A parametric algorithm for identifying the Pareto set of a biobjective integer program is proposed. The algorithm is based on the weighted Chebyshev (Tchebycheff) scalarization, and its running time is asymptotically optimal. A number of extensions are described, including: a technique for handling weakly dominated outcomes, a Pareto set approximation scheme, and an interactive version … Read more

A New Conjugate Gradient Algorithm Incorporating Adaptive Ellipsoid Preconditioning

The conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm is well-known to have excellent theoretical properties for solving linear systems of equations $Ax = b$ where the $n\times n$ matrix $A$ is symmetric positive definite. However, for extremely ill-conditioned matrices the CG algorithm performs poorly in practice. In this paper, we discuss an adaptive preconditioning procedure which improves the … Read more

A New Complexity Result on Solving the Markov Decision Problem

We present a new complexity result on solving the Markov decision problem (MDP) with $n$ states and a number of actions for each state, a special class of real-number linear programs with the Leontief matrix structure. We prove that, when the discount factor $\theta$ is strictly less than $1$, the problem can be solved in … Read more

Optimal distance separating halfspace

One recently proposed criterion to separate two datasets in discriminant analysis, is to use a hyperplane which minimises the sum of distances to it from all the misclassified data points. Here all distances are supposed to be measured by way of some fixed norm,while misclassification means lying on the wrong side of the hyperplane, or … Read more

Optimal expected-distance separating halfspace

One recently proposed criterion to separate two datasets in discriminant analysis, is to use a hyperplane which minimises the sum of distances to it from all the misclassified data points. Here all distances are supposed to be measured by way of some fixed norm, while misclassification means lying on the wrong side of the hyperplane, … Read more

A survey of the S-lemma

In this survey we review the many faces of the S-lemma, a result about the correctness of the S-procedure. The basic idea of this widely used method came from control theory but it has important consequences in quadratic and semidefinite optimization, convex geometry and linear algebra as well. These were active research areas, but as … Read more

Classical Simplex Methods for Linear Programming and Their Developments

This paper presents a new primal dual simplex method and investigates the duality formation implying in classical simplex methods. We reviews classical simplex methods for linear programming problems and give a detail discussion for the relation between modern and classical algorithms. The two modified versions are present. The advantages of the new algorithms are simplicity … Read more

A Piecewise Linearization Framework for Retail Shelf Space Management Models

Managing shelf space is critical for retailers to attract customers and to optimize profit. This paper develops a shelf space allocation optimization model that explicitly incorporates essential in-store costs and considers space- and cross-elasticities. The resultant model maximizes a signomial objective function over linear and bilinear constraints in mixed-integer variables. We propose a piecewise linearization … Read more