Foundations of gauge and perspective duality

Common numerical methods for constrained convex optimization are predicated on efficiently computing nearest points to the feasible region. The presence of a design matrix in the constraints yields feasible regions with more complex geometries. When the functional components are gauges, there is an equivalent optimization problem—the gauge dual– where the matrix appears only in the … Read more

A universal and structured way to derive dual optimization problem formulations

The dual problem of a convex optimization problem can be obtained in a relatively simple and structural way by using a well-known result in convex analysis, namely Fenchel’s duality theorem. This alternative way of forming a strong dual problem is the subject in this paper. We recall some standard results from convex analysis and then … Read more

A generalized simplex method for integer problems given by verification oracles

We consider a linear problem over a finite set of integer vectors and assume that there is a verification oracle, which is an algorithm being able to verify whether a given vector optimizes a given linear function over the feasible set. Given an initial solution, the algorithm proposed in this paper finds an optimal solution … Read more

Constructing New Weighted l1-Algorithms for the Sparsest Points of Polyhedral Sets

The l0-minimization problem that seeks the sparsest point of a polyhedral set is a longstanding challenging problem in the fields of signal and image processing, numerical linear algebra and mathematical optimization. The weighted l1-method is one of the most plausible methods for solving this problem. In this paper, we develop a new weighted l1-method through … Read more

A Subgradient Method for Free Material Design

A small improvement in the structure of the material could save the manufactory a lot of money. The free material design can be formulated as an optimization problem. However, due to its large scale, second-order methods cannot solve the free material design problem in reasonable size. We formulate the free material optimization (FMO) problem into … Read more

Strong duality and sensitivity analysis in semi-infinite linear programming

Finite-dimensional linear programs satisfy strong duality (SD) and have the “dual pricing” (DP) property. The (DP) property ensures that, given a sufficiently small perturbation of the right-hand-side vector, there exists a dual solution that correctly “prices” the perturbation by computing the exact change in the optimal objective function value. These properties may fail in semi-infinite … Read more

Closing the gap in pivot methods for linear programming

We propose pivot methods that solve linear programs by trying to close the duality gap from both ends. The first method maintains a set $\B$ of at most three bases, each of a different type, in each iteration: a primal feasible basis $B^p$, a dual feasible basis $B^d$ and a primal-and-dual infeasible basis $B^i$. From … Read more

Vanishing Price of Anarchy in Large Coordinative Nonconvex Optimization

We focus on a class of nonconvex cooperative optimization problems that involve multiple participants. We study the duality framework and provide geometric and analytic character- izations of the duality gap. The dual problem is related to a market setting in which each participant pursuits self interests at a given price of common goods. The duality … Read more

Asynchronous Block-Iterative Primal-Dual Decomposition Methods for Monotone Inclusions

We propose new primal-dual decomposition algorithms for solving systems of inclusions involving sums of linearly composed maximally monotone operators. The principal innovation in these algorithms is that they are block-iterative in the sense that, at each iteration, only a subset of the monotone operators needs to be processed, as opposed to all operators as in … Read more

Decomposition algorithm for large-scale two-stage unit-commitment

Everyday, electricity generation companies submit a generation schedule to the grid operator for the coming day; computing an optimal schedule is called the unit-commitment problem. Generation companies can also occasionally submit changes to the schedule, that can be seen as intra-daily incomplete recourse actions. In this paper, we propose a two-stage formulation of unit-commitment, wherein … Read more